"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, February 3, 2012

Random Ramblings Regarding Jordan

Took Jordan to his six year check up the other day and the two of us went out the wrong door and became momentarily locked inside an entry way. No way in, and no way out. I finally just unlocked the door that was locked and high-tailed it to my car.

Jordan's appointment was great. Still only in the 5th percentile for his height, but his BMI is finally on target.

He saw his old friend, "The Pricker Lady". Yes, he calls her this to her face. They've come a long way. No more fighting and punching. He had his finger pricked like a big boy.

I broke down and finally let him have some of his 5 year boosters. But I prayed over them before the nurse injected him. So far, so good. No weird reactions like last time.

We'll be seeing a dermatologist next week because of weird mole on Jordan's back. Prayers are appreciated!

At the end of the appointment Dr O grinned at me and said, "He's doing just awesome. I love it. He had a rough start, but he's going to be okay".

After the appointment we went to Wal-Mart so that he could spend his birthday money. He spent his money in record time.

On the way to church the other day he said to me, "Mom, if you played X-Box your name could be ESmittyTwilight. Because your name is ESmitty and you loooooove Twilight! Ha ha ha ha!"

He received his first iPod as a reward for turning 6 years old and we took him to dinner at Stevie B's.

The next day Papa and Susie took him shopping and he picked out this bike:

A waitress at Waffle House asked Jordan what his teacher's name was. My little man looked at me, grinned, and announced "Mama!".

Have I mentioned lately what a blessing he is to me?

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