"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Tuesday

5:00 a.m.  First alarm rings.  Hit snooze, nudge The Hubs awake and fall asleep again.
5:30 a.m.  Second alarm rings.  Really nudge The Hubs and ask if he's planning to go to work today.  Fall asleep again.
7:30 a.m.  I am unexpectedly awakened by my alarm which was set for yesterday.  I turn it off and go back to sleep.
8:30 a.m.  The real alarm goes off.  I hit snooze,  roll over, go back to sleep. 
8:35 a.m.  Alarm goes off again.  I get up and take some Zofran so maybe I'll feel like eating breakfast. 
I begin to get ready for the day.
8:43 a.m.  Miss a call from my friend Elia because I'm still in the bathroom. 
8:55 a.m.  Wish I had more of my own clothes, most of which are over at the old house.  Settle for a pair of Chris' sweats and one of his shirts, too.
9:00 a.m.  Hear the boys scurrying around.  Ask if they'd like some eggs for breakfast. 
9:05 a.m.  Boys get dressed for co-op (I had decided to skip today but Jordan really wanted to go to his science class) while I scramble some eggs.
9:15 a.m.  Boys and I sit down at the table, which was brought over last night.  We have prayer and eat our eggs without salt.  Because our salt is still at the other house.
9:30 a.m.  Shaun finishes his eggs and asks for some of last night's Shepherd's Pie.  I make a mental note to ask Wendy for the recipe.
9:45 a.m.  I load the dishwasher while the boys brush their teeth.  They then go outside to wait on their Mama Susie, who has generously offered to take them to school.
9:55 a.m.  Boys leave for school.  I get comfy on the couch.
10:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m.  Return Elia's phone call, read, pray, try to determine if the crampy feeling in my abdomen is regular pregnancy stuff or something to worry about.  Decide on the former.  Marvel at how quiet the house is.  Text a few friends, answer some emails. 
11:35 a.m.  Realize that the kids will be home soon.  They wanted hot dogs for lunch so I begin getting it ready.
11:40 a.m.  My mom calls and says the boys want to stay at school longer and will just eat lunch there.  I decide on what to have for lunch myself (WW Smart Ones-  Lasagna Florentine and some spinach)  and put it in the microwave.
11:45 a.m.  Return to the couch and begin this post while waiting for lunch to heat up.  Get caught up and forget about lunch until...
12:04 p.m.  Eat.  I realize I haven't vomited since last Thursday and say a prayer thanking God for Zofran.
12:20 p.m. Decide to move to my bed.  Get comfy.  The Hubs sends a text to check on me.  I answer it, let him know I'm fine.  Begin to panic a little about the boys' birthday party.  Its on Saturday and nothing's planned yet.  I don't even have anything to write with, so I make a mental note to tell Chris to bring all of our school supplies back from the other house this afternoon so that I can begin making making my shopping list.  Decide to read some more.
12:33 p.m.  Look up from my book and wonder what I'd see if I had a pair of binnoculars...I look straight out of my window from my bed, directly at the house across the street.  This makes me wonder what Wayne, my across the street neighbor, would see if he had binnoculars.  I decide maybe I should close my curtains.
1:00 p.m. Kids come home, show me what they did at school, and go outside to play.  I visit with my mom for a few minutes before she leaves.  Check Twitter and Facebook.  Discover that my friend Vicki is bringing a Mexican casserole for dinner tomorrow.  Look forward to seeing her.
1:30 p.m.  Jordan bursts into the door to announce that he has to poop.
1:33 p.m.  Shaun also comes inside to use the restroom.  I laugh at them.  They are quite funny.
2:30 p.m.  Take some more Zofran
2:36 p.m.  Boys ask for a snack and they want it to be a hot dog.  I decide to pick my battles and let them have one.  Then I get back on my bed.
2:45 p.m.  Miss a call from The Hubs because I'm in the bathroom. 
2:49 p.m.  My neice sends me a text,asking if the boys can come play.  Since her siblings are sick, I suggest she come play here.  I do not get a reply, which leads me to suspect that she has hijacked my sister's phone.
3:04 p.m.  Remind the boys to clean up their snack mess in the kitchen.
3:15 p.m.  Chris comes home from work.  Jordan tells me that Daddy came home with a puppy.  Thankfully, he was "just telling a joke".
3:30 p.m.  AT&T breaks the news that we are too far from the road to get UVerse. 
3:35 p.m.  My parents come over to help Chris finish up some projects.  My mom wants to know how bored I am, asks if I'd like some jigsaw puzzles, and tells a funny story about my dad from before I was born.  I move back to the couch to watch some footage of Jordan at yesterday's soccer practice. 
4:00 p.m.  The kids continue to play outside while Chris and I visit with my parents.
5:00 p.m.  It begins to rain, so the kids come unside and my parents go home. 
5:05 p.m.  I grab a handful of Cheeze-its and go back to my bed because the boys want to play X-Box in the living room.
6:30 p.m. My sweet friend Jessica comes over with tons of delicious food. It was great to talk to her! 7:00 p.m. Stuffed from dinner, I return to the couch. 7:30 p.m. Desperate to get out of the house, I drive to the other house to get some of the kids' school books and my Willow Tree figurines. 7:45 p.m. Back at home, on the couch. 8:00 p.m. Chris and the boys go back to the other house to move some more things and I read the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. 9:00 p.m. They return home. 9:15 p.m. Chris leaves for the grocery store. 9:30 p.m. I lay down with Jordan. He wants a story about how Chris and I kissed when we got married. 9:45 p.m. Lay down with Shaun. He wants to talk about how annoying Jordan was today. I listen and then remind him that I never got along with my sister either and now that we're all grown up, we're best friends. He wanted to hear that about as much as I did when I was his age. 10:15p.m. The Hubs comes home from Kroger with everything on the list...and much more. 10:20 p.m. We begin to watch "The Help". 1:09 a.m. Movie's over. The Hubs is sacked out on the couch. Kids are sacked out in Shaun's bed. Think I'll go to bed myself. And there you have it. My Tuesday. Was that exciting or what? I've never been quite bored enough to chronicle my day. Don't be too jealous. ;)

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