"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."
Proverbs 19:21
Proverbs 19:21
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Shaun and I went to meet his new teacher today. Truthfully, I was not that impressed. She was nice, but I didn't really connect with her. At least not on the same level that I connected with Mrs. D. I think trust is a big issue, too. I'm upset that I'm just now finding out that he's going to have a new teacher. Shaun is having to adjust to the idea of a brand new school, and we've been talking about Mrs. D. being his teacher all summer. I just with they would have been honest with us from the beginning. I doubt that this all came up suddenly last week. Oh well. More about the new teacher. She just didn't seem that personal. Maybe I'm overreacting, but if this woman is going to be a part of our lives for the next four years, I want to like her! Maybe it will get better once we get to know each other. She's also switching the math program to Singapore Math, which Shaun hates. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, think positive, positive thoughts.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Still awake
Jordan is still awake. He had no nap today and he's still going strong at 11:50 pm. He's in his room playing with blocks. What the crap? I, on the other hand, AM sleepy, but I can't go to bed until he's sleeping. Its tough to be Mommy sometimes.
I think his ear is somewhat better today. We finally got the new drops yesterday, so maybe they're working. I only had to give Tylenol 2 times today, which is a huge improvement.
Shaun and I are going to meet his new teacher tomorrow. He's nervous about going to a new school, and so am I. We need to have a good year. The past 2 years have been trial after trial with his schoolwork. Its so frustrating. I just want to have a normal, easy year. I know, I know. Shaun is not the only child who has ever struggled in school. But he's mine, and I want things to be better for him. Pray, pray, pray. That's all you can do. Sometimes I still feel pretty helpless, though.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another Monday with Dr. Onal
Took Jordan to the doctor again for his ear. It started the draining business again on Saturday. Its STILL infected, after 2 rounds of antibiotics. Now we're trying a new one. Hope it works.
On Saturday, Jordan was in a lot of pain. I made the mistake of giving him some grape-flavored Tylenol. BIG mistake. That stupid red dye in it made him into a crazy man. He did not have a nap the entire day and stayed up until after 1 a.m. At one point, he knocked over his entire toy bin. I heard the crash and went to see what was up. As I entered his room he looked at me and said "Oh my gosh, look at my toys". Very cute, indeed. He's such a mess. He says the funniest things all the time.
I talked to my friend Abby today. It was so good to talk to her! I miss her like crazy. Her husband recently became head pastor of a church. We talked a lot about our faith and our struggles. It was encouraging.
Summer is winding down. School starts next week. Ugh. Back to the grind. We're ready, though. Ready for a change. God is going to help us have a wonderful year.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Allergies, asthma, and sinuses...OH MY!
Yup. Visited the allergy specialist today for Shaun's runny nose. Turns out he's allergic to some things, has asthma, and has had a sinus infection since last October, when all this runny-nose business started. We came home with 2 inhalers, a nose spray, and some antibiotics. He was a good sport about everything. We took Noah with us to the appointment. I'm going to be watching him until school starts while his mom is working. He kept Shaun entertained during the LOOOONNNG appointment, which was a very good thing.
Afterwards, went back to my sister's house to pick up Jordan. We let the kids play awhile and then took them to lunch at Papa's Pizza. I'm so getting tired of Papa's. The pizza's not that great and the kids always want to play the games instead of eat. But its cheap, cheap, cheap, and its a buffet. The boys and I ate for around 8 bucks. Can't beat that.
Jordan did something amazing today. When we got home from church, I told him to go pick up the blocks on his bedroom floor. He was building this afternoon when he should have been napping, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I went to my room to change and I heard Lego's being tossed into the bin. Jordan was in his room PICKING UP HIS BLOCKS AFTER ONLY BEING TOLD ONCE!! This is huge! I was so proud, and made sure to brag on him tons. He's the sweetest!
Monday, July 21, 2008
A break and a manger
I got my break this afternoon, after all. I had a pretty good time, even though I gained 2 pounds at Weight Watchers. I don't really understand that. Must be all my night time snacking. Besides the meeting, I went to Kroger and Dollar General ALL BY MYSELF! It was HEAVEN!!! But, I admit it, I missed the kids, so I'm glad I'm back.
My Granny called me tonight. She's had this plant since I was a little girl. Its called "Christ in a Manger". It only blooms a few times a year, and I've never seen it. It bloomed tonight, so Chris, the boys, my sister and her family all went to my grandparents house to witness the event. After a LOT of waiting, the flowers bloomed...and they DID look like Christ in a manger! The bloom even has a star. It was pretty neat. Of course, Chris made fun of us all. That nerd.
After dinner tonight, the wind really started blowing. I looked out the window and saw leaves and dirt flying everywhere. I decided to go out and investigate, and when I did I got nailed in the head with a flying branch. Ouch. Not my smartest move.
Right now its all calm in the house. The kids are asleep. Chris is in bed. I'm waiting for my Simply Sleep pills to kick in. I haven't been sleeping so well. Hopefully that will change tonight.
Okay, enough rambling. Time to hit the sack.
This heat!
Ugh. What a hot day. The heat is stifling outside, so the boys and I went swimming for a few hours. Jordan finally swam all by himself in the arm floats. We've been waiting all summer for this! We got home a few minutes ago. I put Jordan in the bed and started a black bean and rice salad for dinner. I think it'll go well with the salsa and chicken I've got in the Crock Pot.
I think I'm getting a break tonight. I better! The plan is for Chris to get home from work on time and take the kids swimming again while I go to Weight Watchers. All by myself! It better work out that way. The kids have been a challenge today. I don't know what it is. The heat, maybe. Who knows? I've feel like I've been yelling at them all day. Anyway, I'm overdue a shift where I'm "off-duty", and I'm excited. Even if its just going to a W W meeting. What an exciting life I lead!
So, this is what's been happenin'
I'm back to blogging again. I stopped for a while. I guess I just got too busy. Here's what's happened in the past few weeks:
Our well pump messed up last week. One minute we had water, the next we didn't. So the well pump man came out and fixed the wire that had broken. We got our bill yesterday. Over 300 dollars. Ouch.
Jordan's ear is infected again. For the second time in less than a month, his ear started draining out nastiness. Went back to the doctor, who prescribed both an oral and ear drop antibiotic. He seems better. At least his ear is staying dry. I wish I knew if the ear tube is still in or not. The doc couldn't tell at our visit because of all the gunk. We go back next week for a re-check, so guess I'll find out then.
Shaun had his hair dyed a lovely shade of blue. That's right, blue. We let him dye his hair blue for good behavior. Actually, its fading so now it looks kinda green. He loves it, though. I figured if he wants weird hair its better to let him do it now. That way it'll be out of his system. I remember I always wanted to dye my hair and I was never allowed. The minute a could drive and had money of my own I bought jet black dye. Goodness. What was I thinking? Anyway, the blue will have to be gone by the time school starts, per the School Rules and Regulations we received in the mail. So its all good.
We've switched our house around. The dining room moved to the den. Chris' studio moved to the "old" dining room. This is both good and bad. Good because I no longer have to go down to our spider infested basement to check my email. Bad because now all of Chris' friends and clients will be up here all the time. We painted the new office gray and put in new carpet. Actually, Chris and my dad did it, and they did a great job. It looks wonderful. Eventually we will enclose the garage to make more recording space.
Chris and Rex tried out a drummer today. It doesn't look promising. They said he was a "metronome" player. Whatever that is, its not what they want, so the search continues.
I've been doing a lot of reading. Right now I'm reading a collection of short stories by Stephen King. Its pretty good. I've also been reading a lot of Ted Dekker and Karen Kingsbury, of course. The library is my new favorite place!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A minute to myself!
Wow. Mom took Shaun to Tae Kwon Do. Jordan already fell asleep. Chris is working. So I'm all alone! This never happens, at least not before 9 :00 pm.
I miss my sister. She went camping with her family and I haven't talked to her since Sunday. Not sure when she's coming back. It is quite boring without her. The boys and I have been going swimming every day. They like it better now that Susie and Papa are home from work this week.
We had fresh garden veggies for dinner last night. I fried some okra. It was only my second attempt, and it turned out pretty good. We also had green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. All from mom and dad's garden. My tomato plants are not growing. I'm disappointed. I love garden tomatoes.
In more somber news, the Smiths are absolutely broke this week. Ugh. I hate this. Neither Chris nor I got paid at church this past Sunday. I don't know if Chris will get paid tomorrow, either. We will both eventually get our money, but what with the holiday and people being on vacation, I guess things happen. When I say broke, I mean 10 bucks in the bank. We're almost out of diapers, too. Wonderful. I praying that Chris gets paid tomorrow, but if he doesn't I'm curious to see how we'll make it to Friday. I'm surprisingly calm about this. I guess deep down know we'll be okay- that God will take care of us. I'm such a control freak, though- I need to know how its all going to work out.
I think a storms brewing. I'm hearing some scary loud thunder. Hope it doesn't wake Jordan. I gave him some Crystal Light yesterday that had Red 40 in it. Stupid, I know. He was up until 11:30. We had to get up early to take Shaun to school, so he didn't get enough sleep. No nap today, either, so he zonked out after dinner while he watched "Happy Feet". He didn't even wake up when I gave him his medicine and put a diaper on him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps...like a little angel boy...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Visitation and 4th of July
We had visitation for Jeff yesterday. All in all, a very long day. I know everybody says this at viewings, but he really did look good. Much better than the last time I saw him. Definitely not sick anymore. My family is doing alright. My cousins Jerry and Jon act like they're high on something. Which they probably are. Who knows? Kind of an awkward situation. The funniest thing that happened yesterday: We were in lounge at the funeral home and one of the funeral home worker men came in. My dad looked at him and said "Howdy do". We teased him unmercifully for the rest of the day. Not sure why it struck me as so funny, but it did. I always try to find humor in every situation!
Chris and Todd kept all the children yesterday and met us at the funeral home last night. After they had seen Jeff, ate cake, and explored a little, we left to go catch some fireworks. It wasn't meant to be. The city of Gainesville move the fireworks venue to a park. Not only was the park full by the time we got there, but traffic was lined up and down the street with people trying to get in. We drove forever trying to find a spot where we thought the kids could see fireworks. We finally parked in the lot of a tanning salon, spread our blankets and gave the kids their Happy Meals. We noticed some clouds and lightening in the distance, but thought the storm would wait. Before the first firework went off, it started pouring. We scrambled to get everyone in the vans and went home. The kids were disappointed, to say the least. Chris and I were talking and we think it has stormed the past few years on the 4th. Oh well, there's always next year, I suppose.
Its about time to get ready for the funeral. I'm waiting for Chris to get home. He better not be late! We're taking the kids to my aunt Rita's house for the afternoon. Hope she knows what she's getting herself into!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
More re: sad news
I finally made it to my grandparents' house tonight. I'll say it again-- My heart is breaking for them. Especially my grandpa. Pawpaw is one of the funniest people I know. Always laughing, joking, and poking fun at everyone he loves. Tonight, he sat down at the table, looked at me and said "I just don't know what I'm going to do". Then his eyes filled with tears. Horrible- one of the saddest things I've ever experienced. Granny is doing better than I expected. She hugged me tonight and told me that I'd have to help her through this. I don't know what I can do for her, but I'll try to be there if she needs something. Its strange when you're the one having to support your supporters. I've had to be strong a lot over these past few months. When my grandmother died, I remember holding onto my mom as the funeral directors wheeled her out of the house. I had never had to comfort my mom before. She's always been the one to comfort me. Like I said, strange. And sad that I have to be thinking about this.
Tomorrow will be hectic. I don't really know what to do with the children. My mother's sister had planned a cookout. I think I'm going to send Chris and the kids to the cookout while I go to the visitation. Then we'll all go back for the 2nd visitation at 6:00. I'm exhausted now, so I'm going to try and get some sleep.
Sad news
Got a call from my sister at midnight last night. My uncle Jeff, my dad's brother, passed away. We are shocked, even though he's been sick for about a year and a half now. I just saw him this past Sunday. He didn't look that great, but he acted okay and he'd been having some better days. My grandparents have pretty much been taking care of him since he's been sick. He's divorced and his kids aren't around much. The grandparents are taking it pretty hard. So is my dad. My grandparents had called him last night when Jeff got so sick, and he had to do CPR on him. I can't imagine.
My heart is breaking for my grandparents. I cannot imagine out-living my children. I don't know what to say or do. I called to talk to her, but someone else beeped in after only a few minutes. I'm going to try to go see them later on, after Chris gets home.
Shaun was upset by the news, more than I expected. He wanted to know if Jeff was saved or not. I didn't know. But I just talked to my mom and she said that Jeff had been saved when he was a little boy. So, hallelujah, he's in Heaven! At least the family has that for comfort.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Old Friends
Went to visit with my old friend Allison yesterday. It was so good to see her. We had a nice talk. She has had a hard life and had to grow up much too quickly, but seems to be doing better now. Jordan was terrified of her dogs, which was quite hilarious!
Went back to Weight Watchers today after my 3 week hiatus. I only gained .2 pounds, which blew my mind. Its time to get serious about this weight loss thing. Yeah. But its so hard to get motivated.
Shaun walked into school by himself this morning! Hooray! Now if I could just get him to sleep in his own bed at night. Baby steps, right?
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