"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Monday with Dr. Onal

Took Jordan to the doctor again for his ear.  It started the draining business again on Saturday.  Its STILL infected, after 2 rounds of antibiotics.  Now we're trying a new one.  Hope it works. 

On Saturday, Jordan was in a lot of pain.  I made the mistake of giving him some grape-flavored Tylenol.  BIG mistake.  That stupid red dye in it made him into a crazy man.  He did not have a nap the entire day and stayed up until after 1 a.m.  At one point, he knocked over his entire toy bin.  I heard the crash and went to see what was up.  As I entered his room he looked at me and said "Oh my gosh, look at my toys".  Very cute, indeed.  He's such a mess.  He says the funniest things all the time.  

I talked to my friend Abby today.  It was so good to talk to her!  I miss her like crazy.  Her husband recently became head pastor of a church.  We talked a lot about our faith and our struggles.  It was encouraging.  

Summer is winding down.  School starts next week.  Ugh.  Back to the grind.  We're ready, though.  Ready for a change.  God is going to help us have a wonderful year. 

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