"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, August 9, 2012


My boys.  They've been fighting like cats and dogs.  I was getting so, SO tired of the constant picking, whining, tattling, and crying from both of them.  I really didn't think I could handle it much longer.  We'd tried all sorts of punishments:  giving time outs, taking away TV time and video games, spankings, separating them.  Nothing was working, so I tried something else.  

Lately when they start arguing for any reason, I make them complete a chore.  Together.  Without saying an unkind thing to each other. Or whining about having to work.  If this happens, they have to complete another chore. And another, if need be, until they can get along.  So far they've only had to do two chores at one time.  And usually they do get along better afterwards.  There's so much more peace in our house now!

Now, I know boys will be boys.  It's  normal for them to wrestle and punch and pick on each other.  To an extent.  It was just getting to a point where every 5 minutes World War III was breaking out.  Seriously.  They've gotten in knock-down drag outs over who has the most milk.  Or because one brother "lovingly" thumped the other one on the head for no reason.  We live in a small house, and things can happen when boys fight.  Windows can get broken.  Holes get punched in walls.  This can't be happening.  

So I implemented the chore rule.  I didn't invent said rule.  I think my friend Elissa told me about it a few years ago.  It's a win-win situation.  My sons are getting along better.  They're learning to control themselves.  And if they don't, my house is getting cleaned by people other than myself.  A few minutes ago, for example, both boys had to empty the dishwasher together because they were yelling at each other over who was supposed to be the "first player" on an XBox game.  Now, the dishwasher is empty and both boys are playing video games together like the BFFs brothers are meant to be.  

The next time an argument breaks out, I think they'll be scrubbing toilets.  

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