"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, January 13, 2012

our number 3

Yup, I'm pregnant.

It's so strange to see those words. I think I'm still in shock! We found out almost two weeks ago. We were going to keep the news to ourselves until the second trimester, but when have I ever been able to keep big news to myself? I know a lot could happen between now and then and, honestly, I'd love to have everyone praying for us.

Here's how it happened. Well, not exactly how it happened, but you know what I mean...

In November I realized that I was about to turn 31 years old. Something about that number made me sad... I've never wanted any more children but 31 is close to 35 and I'd always heard that women who have babies after they're 35 are considered "high risk". So I began entertaining the idea of maybe possibly wanting another one before it was too late. Honestly, I didn't think it would happen. Getting Jordan was a journey. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. After a few months of trying for Jordan my doctor gave me this diagnosis and told me that if I wanted another baby we needed to make it happen by the time I turned 25. Apparently symptoms worsen with age. I began taking medication and, after 8 months of heartbreaking letdowns, we found out we were expecting.

Jordan was born, and we were good. I never, ever thought I'd want another one. Ditto for Chris. That was six years ago. I continued to have POS. After I turned 30 I really thought that I couldn't get pregnant again. Maybe that's why it was so easy for us to admit that maybe we wanted another one? I'm still trying to figure that out. Anyway, in November I began to toy with the idea of trying to conceive again. I brought up the idea to Chris and was so surprised that he felt the same way I did. We "officially" began trying for another one around Thanksgiving, fully expecting to still be trying months and months from then.

My cycle had been regular to the day for the past three months. On my birthday I told Chris I was a few days late. He just laughed and reminded me that I had always gotten my hopes up in the past only to have them crushed with a negative test. I decided he was right. And besides, none of the pregnancy tests were on sale at Rite Aid. So I let it go.

On January 2nd our classes at School of Discipleship started back up. Let me tell you, I was a beast that day. I'd been really tired since Christmas and that day, I'd never been more exhausted. I actually took a four hour nap that afternoon. We were at the mall before classes and I was so grouchy! At one point I looked at Chris and said, "Look, I know I'm being unreasonable, but I can't seem to stop. So I'm just going to walk away from you for a while." The Hubs claims to have known the truth at that exact moment. Ha ha!

After class we stopped at Kroger, and low and behold: pregnancy tests were on sale. So I bought one. And Chris made fun of me and warned me not to be disappointed if the results weren't what I wanted. I was annoyed at the time, but it was really sweet of him. He had to deal with me each time I took a negative test six years ago and I never thought much about how that was for him.

The kids and Chris had a "slumber party" in the living room that night. They watched a movie and I cleaned the kitchen. I went to take the test fully expecting it to be negative. And at first it was. I shrugged and began to brush my teeth. When I was done there was definitely a big red plus sign on that test. "Um... Chris...?" And then he called back, "Are you serious? That's so cool!"

I sent this picture to my mom, sister, and a few friends:

This resulted in many hysterical phone calls and texts of congratulations. Except from Kendra, who didn't notice she had a text from me until the next afternoon when I sent her another text asking if she'd gotten my previous text. To which she replied "no". And then five minutes later came the phone call. Love her!

We told the kids the other night. Shaun rolled his eyes in typical pre-teen drama and said, "Are you serious?". But now he's the one who can't stop telling people.

My favorite response so far has been from my friend Joanne. She said, "Woah. I guess God healed your ovaries!"

Yes, I guess He did!

I went to the doctor last week. He confirmed the pregnancy, gave me a due date of September 4, and told me to come back next Friday for an ultrasound.

I've been sick this time, more so than I was with the others. The tiredness is what's really getting to me.

I know its so early, but like I said, I would rather have people praying for us than keep this to ourselves. So if you pray, please agree with us for a boring, drama-free pregnancy and a healthy, happy child in late August!


Denise Cowan said...

How Wonderful!!!! I am so happy for you and Chris and the boys. If I can do anything at all please do not hesitate to ask. I love you

Anonymous said...

As a friend with PCOS herself I am soooooo EXCITED for you guys! It shows that God is truly in charge and can make miracles happen! Love you!!!