"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, April 27, 2009

Not Me! Moday

I decided to do a Not Me! Monday post tonight, in honor of Stellan's release from the hospital. Here's to you, MckMama! Oh, if you aren't familiar with MckMama and her remarkable son Stellan, you can visit her blog at www.mycharmingkids.net

Here we go:

I did NOT become seriously addicted to MckMama's blog during Stellans's hospital stay. Seriously, I have two kids. I have no time to continously Twitter and run upstairs to check for updates. Nope, Not Me!

I am NOT ecstatic that Stellan got to go HOME today. (Or at least that he was discharged from the hospital today. He won't fly home until tomorrow).

I did NOT receive a miraculous phone call from an old friend last night that is a direct answer to my prayers and fasting.

I strive to mold my children into mild-mannered, easy-going kids. That said, Jordan did NOT have a melt down because he had to carry his book bag into preschool this morning. No way, no son of mine!

Shaun did NOT get his homework finished on the way home from physical therapy today. The homework did NOT include both math and spelling, and he did NOT finish it all by himself without me having to prompt and remind him to stay on task a million times.

I am NOT deliriously happy that we only have 4 more weeks of school and I am NOT counting the days until Shaun never has to go back there again. NOT ME!

I did NOT join Weight Watchers. And I did NOT lose 2 pounds my first week.

There ya have it...there's what I didn't do all week long. Its so great to be Not Me-ing again!

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