"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"The poop's riding, too!"

Jordan actually said these words to me tonight. We had been playing outside. Well, truthfully, he was playing. I was reading a book and watching to make sure he stayed in the yard. I glanced up from my book and saw him squatting down over the basket on the back of his tricycle. Yep, he pooped right in there. Of course I screamed and yelled for him to stop, but it was too late. He pulled up his undies and shorts and hopped back on his trike. He peddled back across the yard to me and said "The poop's riding, too. The poop's riding, too." Over and over.

He's a strange one, that child of mine.

Yes, he was punished. And no, this isn't the first time he's put his poop somewhere it doesn't belong.


akaMommy said...

Erin!!!! I'm in pain. It hurts.... my ribs are aching! That is so hilarious. I love it. Zoe is our comedien, too. God gave me her to ensure I would laugh AT LEAST 5 times a day.

Erin S. said...

I know it! I'm convinced that's Jordan's purpose as well. He's just so darn...unique! Love him!