"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Jordan's Birthday '14

Jordan turned 8 last week.  I'm pretty positive that he'll never, ever forget his 8th birthday because it snowed!  He said it was the best present ever.  

Even though some of our plans were messed up because of that pesky snow, Jordan had a good day.  He requested a waffle cake, so that's what he had for breakfast.  Along with some bacon, of course.  Every eight year old boy needs bacon on his birthday. 

We're not really morning people, as you can plainly see from the blurry-eyed look on his face, but he really enjoyed his breakfast.

We had planned to join our family at Stevi B's for some pizza that night (Jordan's request).  I really didn't think it would snow...and no  one thought it would snow as much as it did!  So, plans got canceled.  The cousins couldn't make the drive into Gainesville safely, so we asked Jordan if he wanted to reschedule his birthday dinner.  His answer?  NO!  So we left as soon as Chris got in from work that afternoon, before the roads were too bad.  

The boys did this while they were waiting for me to get ready:

Our first stop was to pick up Jordan's present.  He asked for an aquarium and he wanted to pick it out himself.  When we arrived at Petsmart, we found out that they were closing early due to the weather.  We only had an hour to pick out the tank, and an hour is how long it took!  Chris and I didn't think about how a tank has to be set up and running for 24 hours before you can put the fish in, so we had to break that news to Jordan.  
He finally made his decision on a tank and some fish to purchase the next day and then we drove over to Stevi B's to meet my parents.

  And of course, Stevi B's was closed.  Due to inclement weather.  Jordan chose to dine at the Chinese Buffet in the same shopping center as Stevi B's, to everyone's delight. 

Can you detect my sarcasm?

Chinese Buffet isn't really on our family's list of top places to eat, but Jordan loves it.  So that's where we went.  

The boys wanted to ride home with my parents after dinner, so we met them back at my parents house for cupcakes.  Finally, to top off the day, all of the cousins took a nighttime sled ride.  

Jordan said it was the perfect day!

We weren't able to go pick up the fish the next day like we promised because the roads were icy and all of Gainesville was shut down.  So we went the following day and picked out 8 little fish.  I think Chris loves the tank and the fish almost as much as Jordan does.  They named all of the fish and watch them all.  of. the.  time.  

It's cute.  Jordan made this video to send to my mom.  Ignore the mess on the countertop  and just focus on the cuteness.  

For the record, these fish are NOT going to become a permanent fixture on my counter.  My husband wants to keep it there for a few days to "make sure everything is alright with the fish".  What?!  I think he's living out some secret dream of his with this fish tank.  Ha!

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