"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, February 6, 2014

One more thing...

I just remembered some funny moments from the kids' appointment today that I don't want to forget:

I should say first that Violet hates going to the doctor lately.  She starts screaming as soon as she sees our nurse(who is very-VERY-sweet) and doesn't really stop until after the appointment's over.  She especially hates having her ears checked, which is really unfortunate because because that's why she was in the office today.  We have to lay her down, I stand at one end of the table and hold her little arms down, and the doctor kind of lays on top of her and checks her ears.  I thought that we had perfected this "routine" when Jordan was a baby and had so many ear infections.  But, Violet is even harder to hold down than her brother.  Go figure.  The doctor and I finally were able to keep her still long enough so he could check and by then we were both practically sweating.  He was trying to ask me questions and I was yelling, "What?  I can't hear you!" .  It really was a sight.  The doctor wound up having to check the ears again with this tool that blows air into the ear.  It checks for pressure or something that indicates an infection.  So, I held Vi and tried to calm her down while  Dr. O went to get the tool.  When he came back, Shaun asked him what he was going to do with the tool and the doctor tried to explain that he needed to blow air into Violet's ear.  Shaun looked at the doctor and said, "Can't you just do that with your  mouth?".  Ha ha!  The doctor answered, "Well technically I guess I could..."  and then I piped in with, "Really, why do you have to be so fancy?".  And then the three of us burst out laughing.  And then we had to go through the whole wrestling match with Violet again.  

She was finished then and it was Shaun's turn.  But I guess she was ready to go because she started putting on her coat and handing me my purse.  Then she looked at the doctor and said, "Bye!". 

So funny!

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