"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Shaun turned 14 on Sunday.  14!  It doesn't seem real that he can be that old.  He's almost grown.  It makes me sad, and happy at the same time.

In typical teen fashion, he didn't want me to make a big deal about his birthday over here on the blog, but I can't NOT write about his birthday.  It was a pretty good one for him, I think!

We had church, of course, but before we left in the wee hours of the morning we gave him his gift from us.  A new bike that he can ride.

Chris and I already had his present last week.  A laptop.  Then, while he was out with my parents over the weekend, he found what he really wanted...a three wheeled bike.  This was on Saturday, the day before his birthday.  Chris had to work late that night, but he and my dad still drove to Cleveland to pick that bike up when he got off.  I'm so thankful for my Daddy.  It was a late night for him!  

Chris parked the bike outside by the front porch and the next morning, after Shaun was dressed for church, sent him out to get something from the car.  It was still dark outside, and no one could really see.  It took a minute for Shaun to see his present.  So funny!  He loved it!

After church and choir practice, we went out for a late  birthday lunch.  The 14 year old requested Texas Roadhouse.  Our friends the Willocks, whose son is a good friend of Shaun's and just happened to have a birthday the day before, went with us to help celebrate.  My parents and another friend of ours also came.  That was one crazy lunch!

The Birthday Guys enjoying their dessert.

When we came home, it was bike riding time.  The boys rode with their cousins until it was dark.  After that it was time for The Walking Dead.  For the boys and Chris... I went to sleep.  I was exhausted!

It was a great day celebrating our great son.  We love you, Shaun!

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