"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, February 20, 2014

S Words

S Word # 1:  Snow
I know.  The snow is SO last week.  Literally.  This is the last time I hope to have the need to write about it for a long, long time.  I wasn't a fan of the snow.  So, it's an S word.  

S Word # 2:  Sh*t
THE actual "S Word".  As in, "Mom, so-and-so said the S word!"
For the record, my own children don't say this word.  Someone may have used this quote in reference to me during my childhood.  Or not.  Also for the record, I myself do not curse on a regular basis.  I used to, a lot, back in the day, but no more.  But, back to the snow...I stayed out of it as long as I could.  Last week when the sun finally came out and the boys had spent numerous hours outside playing in the snow, I finally convinced myself to go outside.  I bundled up and inched my way down the porch steps.  And then I promptly twisted my ankle.  And, yes, I said the mother of all S Words.  And Violet heard me.  Sigh.  I don't even know where it came from.  It just slipped out.  Chris heard it, too.  I might have even said it several times in a row, my ankle hurt so bad and I was so MAD at the snow that caused me to trip over my own feet.  Most people wouldn't even admit this, but I'm honest!  Ha!

S Word # 3:  Shut Up
This one only recently became a bad word in our house. I used to say it all the time, but I'm having to train myself to stop.  Because the other day  when the kids and I were in the car, Shaun told his brother to Shut Up.  And then I heard, "Shut Up" in Violet's sweet little voice.  

I digress. 

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