"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, November 10, 2011

why I'm thankful, day 10

I'm thankful for my sister, who is not only my sister but also my best friend. I heard all my life that we would grow up to be the best of friends in spite of our differences, and I'm so glad everyone was right! Our friendship was a long time coming, but well worth the wait.

She really is the best sister ever. Here are a few reasons why:

*She lets me use all of her coupons.
*I can always count on her to accompany me to the grocery store.
*She keeps my kids for free when I need a sitter.
*She doesn't laugh at me when I want to watch old reruns of Gem and the Holograms or Hey Dude.
*She has seen me through multiple emotional breakdowns and still agrees to hang out with me.
*Only the two of us can completely understand our mother.
*She introduced me to Twilight.
*She loves my kids, faults and all.
*She held my hand during my traumatic amniocentesis before Jordan's birth.
*Only she could make cleaning an office building be a fun time.
*She has beautiful babies.
*She usually laughs at all of my jokes.
*She's an excellent judge of character.
*She's the first to tell me that maybe I need a medication adjustment.
*She's a "messy", just like me.
*She lets me borrow her stuff.
*She does a mean Scuttle impression. (Scuttle = the sea gull from The Little Mermaid)
*She always lets me cry on her shoulder.
*She's a constant source of encouragement.
*She's my friend.
*She's my sister.

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. ~ Isadora James

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