"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

our low-key halloween

Halloween was tonight. I used to love Halloween. The dressing up and being scared... I got all into it. I haven't really been feeling it the past few years, though. The Hubs and I even agreed that we would pass up trick-or-treating and go to a friend's house for a get-together instead. At the last minute we realized that he was on-call tonight and that our friends lived more than 30 minutes away from the hospital, so we stayed close to home.

To take the sting out of missing the party, we took the kids trick-or-treating. My mom blessed the boys with their costumes for the Fall Festival at church last week. Shaun was a ninja and Jordan was Darth Vader. They both loved their costumes, so I was quite surprised when the time came to get dressed and Jordan told me that he wanted to be a chef instead. He had made an apron in his art class before our co-op broke up (that's a post for another day!) and his teacher brought it for him today when we met with our new co-op for lunch and a planning meeting (again- that's a post for another day!). Jordan fell in love with this apron and wanted to be a chef. I gave him a spatula from the kitchen and he was set.

Then Shaun informed me that instead of being a ninja tonight, he wanted to be "himself with a sword". He's eleven and beginning to go through changes, if you know what I mean. Maybe he thinks he's too old to dress up. I remember being that age and feeling too old for some things and not old enough for others. Eleven is a hard age, so I didn't push the issue. We were only making 3 stops, anyway.

We went to visit my parents, my grandparents, and Chris' parents. We all had a nice time at each place. The kids wracked up big-time at Nana and Papa's. Shaun scored a twenty dollar bill and some Fuzzydoodles. Jordan got a few bucks and some Bendaroos. After that, we had dinner at Wendy's.

As I said, very low-key. I liked it.

And no- I didn't even take any pictures.

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