"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two of My Favorite Things

I took Shaun to Books-A-Million today to purchase "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". We saw the movie last week, and loved it! Shaun wanted to give the books a try. He usually hates to read, so anytime he shows an interest in books, I jump on it.

While we were shopping, I saw two of my favorite things! Or at least, two books, written by two of my favorite authors. These two books and their respective authors have absolutely nothing in common, so I was quite amused to see them on a shelf, side by side. Or rather, one on top of the other. I was so amused that I snapped a picture with my cell phone. I also received a strange look from the cashier. Whatever!

Here they are!

Now, if you know me, of course you know that I'm referring to Dr. James Dobson and Stephenie Meyer. I imagine they were together on this shelf because both books are "best sellers". I have not yet read Dr. Dobson's latest book, the one pictured here. I want to. Even though I don't have any girls that I'm "bringing up"...nor do I ever plan to. I just plain love James Dobson.

I've been gaining wisdom from him my entire life. I remember being forced to listen to his radio show while riding in the car as a child. Every night on the way home from ball practice, church, or whatever activity we happened to be doing. It was understood that if we were in the car at 7:30, we were listening to James Dobson and "Focus on the Family". Of course, since I was such a difficult child, I pretended to not want to listen...but I secretly liked it! While I listened, I gained priceless information about family, marriage, children, and much much more. And then, before I began middle school, my mom made me read Preparing for Adolescence. Very informational. Christ-centered teaching for young adults on sex, puberty, etc. This was mortifying to me. But that's another story for another day!

When Shaun was born, my sweet grandmother gave copies of The Strong-willed Child, Dare to Discipline, and Bringing Up Boys. Both of these books have educated me not only on how to raise my children, but on how to raise up Godly children. I have lent copies of all of these books to fellow moms whom I have deemed worthy!

A few years ago, I discovered that "Focus on the Family" aired daily at 11:30 a.m. on a local radio station. I try to fit it into our homeschooling "routine". When we have a routine, that is! I try to fit in breaktime for the boys at 11:30 while I get lunch together...and listen to all of Dr. Dobson's wisdom!

I even cried a few weeks ago, while listening to the broadcast of Dr. Dobson's final "Focus" episode.

Yes, I love James Dobson.

And, I also love Stephenie Meyer and her Twilight Saga. Because I have an addiction and I need help! Ha!

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