"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Special People"

Last Friday, my family and I went to Wal-Mart. Big shock, I know! We only went in for a "few" things- mainly some more eye drops for me (my eyes were, itchy, watery, and bloodshot...thanks allergies!). Therefore, I wasn't in a good mood. I was tired. I was sneezing. And, thanks to my eyes, I looked stoned. I was ready to get out of there!

As usual, what should have been a 10 minute trip turned into a 45 minute Wal-Mart excursion that came to a head at the video game aisle. To make a long story short, there was much whining from both of my children when they learned that a new Wii game was not on that day's shopping list. After a few minutes (of patiently explaining why we were NOT buying a game that cost 50 dollars and then enduring the intesified round of high-pitched whining that went along with that explaniation) I had enough....and YELLED at my children in the middle of Wal-Mart. Yes, I did. Just like the redneck women in the Cleveland Wal-Mart that I usually make fun of. And yes, I received some "looks". But my kids stopped whining, so I considered this a victory!

As we made our way to the check-out lines, I began to feel just a little bit guilty. Not for yelling, but for yelling as loudly as I yelled, and in front of all those people. We were all tired, and really, no one deserves to be yelled at in public that way. I mentally chastising myself for not handling the situation in the best way when the cashier began ringing us up.

Chris offered to take the kids on out to bring the car around. I noticed the cashier's eyes following Shaun as he left the store with his dad. I should say here that, for the most part, random strangers do not even notice that Shaun has cerebral palsy. However, on this particular day, Shaun was extremely tired and had been through a tough physical therapy session a few days before. His leg muscles were sore, which resulted in a more noticeable limp. The cashier (a middle-aged man) turned his eyes toward me and we had this conversation:

Him: Do you mind if I ask you a question?
Me: Of course not!
Him: Has your son ever been in a wheelchair?
Me: No. He hasn't.
Him: I hope I didn't offend you.
Me: You didn't. We're very blessed. Things could have been so much worse for him.
Him: You're right. And you know what I've always thought?
Me: What's that?
Him: Special kids have special parents.
Slight pause, while I tried not to cry. Well, thank you. You don't know how badly I needed to hear that today.
Him: Its true. Have a great weekend.
Me: Thanks. You too.

Isn't it funny how God uses people? I so needed some encouragement that day....and I got it! I'm so thankful that God sent some on down when I needed it most.

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