"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT have a really really REALLY rough week last week. My husband did NOT work for 36 straight hours, leaving me home to take care of our kids all by myself. And I do NOT realize how entirely and utterly selfish that sounds!

Anyone who knows me knows that I used to sing the praises of ADHD and other mood disorder medicines. So I did NOT make an appointment for Shaun to see a homeopathic specialist who will test him for food allergies before I result to medicating him again. NOT ME!

At Tae Kwon Do last week, Jordan went to the rest room. I did NOT become so engaged in a conversation with another mom that I didn't notice when Jordan waltzed out of the restroom minus his underwear and his shorts. I did NOT quickly scoop him up and sprint back to the restoom only to discover that he had locked his clothes inside the bathroom. I also did NOT have to walk to the front desk with my half-naked baby to obtain the key to the restroom. And all the other parents definitely did NOT have a huge chuckle at my expense.

After the same class, I did NOT load the kids into the van and decide to eat from a box AGAIN. I also did NOT forget, in my tired and frustrated state, to place the van in "park" when I got out to give the kids their KFC meals. My van was parked on an incline and should have rolled backwards, into KFC. So, my guardian angel was NOT working overtime when he gently nudged my van in the opposite direction...forward and into the parking lot curb. After all this, I did NOT silently thank God for always taking care of us and cry quiet, happy tears the rest of the way home.

I did NOT need a break from all of this drama by Friday night. So I did NOT send my tired, overworked husband (along with Shaun) back to church for a Children's event. I did NOT lay a guilt trip on him, saying how much he was needed there, and I also did NOT mention how much those little kids absolutely love him. When he (finally) left, I did NOT give Jordan half a dose of Benedryl to tire him out so that he'd go to sleep early. And when he did, I definitely did NOT collapse on the couch for 2 hours without moving a muscle. And it did NOT feel absolutely wonderful.

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