"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

At the end of a very long shopping day with Jordan last week, I did NOT get him strapped into his car seat only to hear him say "Mommy, I gotta go pee pee". Upon hearing this, I was NOT simply too tired to wrangle him back into the Christian book store (where he had wreaked absolute havoc for the past 20 minutes) to use their restroom. So, therefore, I most certainly did NOT allow him to pull his pants/underwear down and pee into an empty Subway cup right there outside of our van in the parking lot for all to see. Nope, NOT ME!

My wonderfully talented first-born is shy and never likes to be the center of attention. So there's NO WAY that he would ever agree to be in a video for our church's children's ministry. He also would NOT do such a great job that would bring his mom to tears when she saw it. And there's NO WAY that the church's website would be down right now so that I can't post a link to share with everyone. I'm NOT totally frustrated about my inability to brag right now, either. Nope, NOT ME!

The Smith boys had a long day yesterday. They also had the bad behavior to go along with it. I am an extremely patient and understanding mama, so I would NEVER park those boys in front of a movie, wait until they were occupied, sneak out of the house, and march down the driveway to the "hickory bush". Once there, I would NOT pick out 3 of the best hickory switches from that bush in a fashion that would make my Mamaw proud. And I certainly would NOT threaten my sweet boys with a "spanking with the hickory" if they gave me any trouble about going to sleep last night. No way, NOT ME!

I was not born yesterday, no matter what some of you may thing. I watched tons of television throughout my childhood and one of my favorite things to do is laugh. So I did NOT watch my very first episode of "I Love Lucy" last night. And I did NOT laugh my head off and wonder why in the world I've never watched Lucy before. And I am NOT going to watch it some more when I get off this computer. Nope, NOT ME!

My sister is pregnant. My sister-in-law is pregnant. My friend is pregnant. I am NOT envying them just a little, even though my plate is full and overflowing from caring for my own children right now. NOT ME!

I did NOT give up on getting my oldest son to school on time. I know that would be terribly irresponsible of me. I do NOT rationalize this by thinking to myself that there are only 9 more days of school left and that he'll be homeschooled next year anyway, so who cares? NOT ME!

Happy NOT ME-ing, everyone!

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