"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, May 8, 2009

Three Baby Mamas?!?

Jordan and I went to the mall today. He was so good at obeying Mama and staying in his stroller, so we stopped for a cookie and then sat at the fountain so he could eat it. While we were there, this man, who I've never met or seen before, sidled up next to us and began making small-talk. To make a long story short, he apparently thought I was a single Mama, since I wasn't wearing a wedding band. (Because I keep losing them, if you must know!)

Anyway, he started saying how he admired me being such a great mom because...in his exact words "...I know how it is. I got three baby mamas myself. And they all work hard".

There was an awkward pause as I tried to figure out exactly what he was saying...Did he mean that he has 3 children by 3 different mamas? That's the way I took it. And then there was another moment of awkward silence while I tried to figure out what in the world I was supposed to say to that...was he bragging? Is having 3 babies by 3 mamas something to brag about? And no wonder those 3 mamas have to work hard...obviously their "baby daddy" isn't doing too much to support those babies since he has a ton of time to wander around the mall on a week day. Okay, I know that's not fair. Maybe he works nights...

I snapped back to reality as I realized that he was gazing at me with a weird look in his eye. Then I made sure he knew that I was married to my "baby daddy". Then I strapped Jordan in his stroller, yelled "have a good day", and high-tailed it out of there.

I used to only attract girls. Now that I'm older I guess I've moved on to weirdos.

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