"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A dirty little trick...

Chris called me from work this afternoon. He sounded so crestfallen, saying that he was going to have to work late again and, therefore, miss Jordan's preschool graduation performance. I pouted a little bit, but assured him is was okay. I hung up the phone and burst into tears. I could see an(other) endlessly long and stress-filled night stretching out in front of me. Not only would he miss Jordan's first ever school event, but now I would have to single-handedly get my boys bathed and ready and to the church by 6:30. Oh yeah, and now I'd have to figure in eating time before we left, because there's no way I'd take my two wild men into a restaurant by myself after the program. Which meant that I'd have to come up with something to cook. And lets not forget how wonderful it wonderful it feels to be the 5th wheel of my family...sitting in the sanctuary with my parents, grandparents, and sister and brother-in-law. I had a "woe is me" moment. Then I prayed for patience and calm attitude and set out to make the best of things. I was just about to dial my sister's number to ask if she'd mind getting to the church early with me, when I heard the unthinkable-- the sound of keys in the door knob. And there was my husband. With a stupid "I gotcha" smile on his face. His words to me? "Didn't you figure I was on my way home since I called you from my cell phone?" Oh yeah. Seems like I should have made the connection. I guess I'm even more tired than I thought I was. But I'm so, so glad to have him home!

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