"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Missing the nap...

Daytimes around the Smith household used to be a lot easier.  We'd wake up, get Shaun off to school.  On the days Jordan did not have preschool, he and I would come home and he'd watch a movie.  Then he'd play or we'd go run errands.  He'd eat a sandwich, and, at 11:00 he'd take a nap.  It was great.  He would begin to get a little cranky around 10:30, and by 11:00 he'd be exhausted.  He would obediently walk to his room, get under the covers, say "goodnight, Mom", roll over, and go to sleep. I'd close the door and he'd stay that way until 2:00 when I woke him to go pick Shaun up from school.  He'd be a little cranky right after he woke up, but after a few minutes he'd be good to go.  He would happily play or tag along on errands, whatever.  At night, he'd e ready for bed around 8:30.  Life was good.  Those were the days.

Then, one day a few weeks ago, he decided he didn't like his nap anymore.  I'd lay him down, he'd get up.  I tried rocking, laying with him, watching movies in bed, you name it.  And maybe that would be okay, but Jordan NEEDS his nap.  I mean, he REALLY needs it in order to act like a normal human being for the rest of the day.  Jordan, without his nap, is emotional, defiant, inconsolable, grouchy, mean...the list goes on.  I hate to say things like that about my youngest baby, but let's call a spade a spade.  He still needs a nap.  And I need him to take his nap.  Since the naps have ceased, the house is messier.  I mean,  a lot messier.  Jordan's nap time was my cleaning time.  While he slept I could mop, sweep, dust, do laundry.  Or even read or talk to a friend on the phone.  No more.  And forget doing any of that after Shaun gets home. It is all I can do to get dinner together, help with homework, and try to control the JMan's temper tantrums. 

I thought I'd make up for his missing nap by just putting him to bed earlier at night.  Around 6:30 or 7:00.  I figured he'd still get adequate rest and be fine.  Not so much.  First of all, we're rarely home at 7:00.  Between Shaun's Tae Kwon Do class and church on Wednesday nights, its usually closer to 8:00.  And, I don't understand this, but it seems like the more tired he is, the harder it is for him to go to sleep.  A never-ending cycle this missing nap has caused!  

I'm hoping that this is a phase and one day the joys of a good mid-day nap will dawn on him.  In the mean-time, if anybody has any magic answers or tips to get a willful almost 3 year old to take his nap, please pass them along.  I am getting desperate over here!

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