"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Double Digits, Continued

I decided that Violet's "10 Month" post didn't really do her justice.  She's grown so much and hit so many milestones over the past few months and I don't always have time to write about them all.  So here goes:

She can walk!  Violet started walking about a month ago, the first week of June, when she was nine months old.  She'd been flirting with the idea for about a month or so, cruising around the couch or anything else she could get her hands on.  She would let go, but really, every time her brothers would see her do this they would get so excited and freak her out.  And down she'd go.  On her big night, she and I were in the kitchen.  I was loading up the dishwasher.  She loves to sneak and get into the dishwasher when I'm not looking and that's just what she did that night.  I got her out of there, closed the door, and walked across the kitchen.  And she followed me for a few steps!  Of course, the boys and I were ecstatic.  We called Daddy at work and told him the news and he was ecstatic, too.  It took her a few weeks, but now she's a pro at walking.  

And, she's talking. Some of her words:  
Mike-this just happened today.  We were at lunch after church at our favorite pizza place and Chris called out Hey, Mike! to the owner. And Violet followed suit.  Adorable. I thin she has a few more words, but I'm pulling a brain fart at the moment.  

She weighs around 16-17 pounds.  She's slowly outgrowing all of her 9 month clothes.  I actually packed away most of her "baby clothes" yesterday to make room for her "big girl" clothes.  I cried a lot while I did this.  

She gives kisses.  This is pretty much the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

She's learned how to click her tongue. 

She wears a size 3 diaper.

Her little personality is coming out!  She loves to be the center of attention and shows off her skills a lot so everyone will oooh and aaahhh over her.  She's also a little drama queen.  When things don't go her way she's been known to throw herself on the ground and cry.  We are trying to teach her the concept of "no".  Surprisingly it's going pretty well.  She acts as if she wants to please us, which I'm pretty sure will change as she gets older.  Ha!

Favorite foods... she's such a good eater!  She eats whatever we put in front of her most of the time.  She really loves her leafy greens. Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower are favorites.  I have to sneak peas in, but she'll eat them if I put them in a bite with something else.  She also LOVES soup beans and spaghetti.  The old stand by, mac and cheese, is also a pleaser.  Milk and raw cheese, however, are not pleasers and hurt her stomach so we're avoiding them until she turns a year old.  We are praying that this issue solves itself when we investigate it again.  

Her favorite toy is "Violet", pictured in the previous post.  She literally plays with her all day, every day.  The dog Violet is programmed to say the real Violet's name and sing songs about her and the real Violet is so amused by this.  She laughs and laughs.  Thank you to Mama Susie for the wonderful Christmas gift!

Sleep.  This is still a struggle.  We haven't had a full nights sleep in months.  I think it's the teething.  Or maybe a growth spurt.  Violet goes to sleep between 8 and 9 by herself in her crib and wakes up at 1 like clockwork.  And then again at 3 or 4.  And she wants a bottle each time. I make sure she's full before bed and I can't keep her up later because she's so ready for bed by 9.  I'm open to any suggestions!  Naps are a bit better.  She will go to sleep by herself in her crib around 9 in the morning and then again after lunch.  She doesn't nap for as long as I remember the boys napping...she will rarely nap for more than 30-45 minutes.

Teeth. She has 4!  The front bottoms were first, followed buy the front tops.  She looks so different with teeth!  We're also big fans of the amber teething necklace.  But that's worthy of it's own post!

I still can't believe our girl's 10 months old!  We are planning her fist birthday party already and can't get over how time is flying.

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