"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And we made it!

So, school's out for the summer. Or, at least public school is out for the summer. We Smith's, however, will be having class pretty much all summer...with a few breaks thrown in. This is due to us being behind, since we took several weeks off during the year that weren't exactly on the County's calendar. When we began our homeschooling "journey" last August, we planned on making our own schedule and schooling year round. Some of the perks of the perks of homeschooling! I broke the news to Shaun a few weeks ago, and he handled it pretty well.

Even though we haven't technically finished out our school year, I still have a sense of accomplishment. Our first year of homeschooling is behind us. We made! And everyone is still relatively in one piece! When Chris and I first decided to homeschool, I sought the advice of several "seasoned" homeschooling mothers I know. More than one of them told me to not panic when things didn't go as planned, and that the first year is just practice. I can totally see that now! I have learned a LOT this year. About what works for us. And about what doesn't. I can look back now with no reservations and say that homeschooling is definitely the best option- for Shaun.

Jordan, on the other hand- I'm not so sure about. I'm not sure if I can "tame his will" and teach him everything a pre-k student needs to know while teaching Shaun everything a fourth grader needs to know at the same time. I've tried some different things this year. Different ways of attempting to educate two children who are 6 years apart, and therefore on two totally different levels. I feel as if I've made tremendous progress with Shaun, but that Jordan kind of "fell through the cracks", for lack of a better expression.

I realize that this is not that big of a deal...so far. After all, he'll only be in pre-k next year, so its not like he's missed a lot. But, pre-k (as well and kindergarten) is a pretty big deal. There's a lot of foundational learning going on. And I'm just not sure I can do it. Jordan's will is part of the problem. I'm grateful that he's strong-willed...he'll need it to survive in this world! But, I'm afraid that the will, along with everything else will be too much. He needs some structure right now. I suspect that after he's in "real school" for a year it will be much easier to teach him at home. I've agonized over this. I felt so guilty for even considering sending him to preschool next year. As if I would be letting him down or favoring one child over the other. So, I called my "go-to" girl. My friend Wendy. Who I always go to whenever I need homeschooling advice. Told her my concerns, sure that she would reassure me that I could do it and that homeschooling was the best choice for every child. What she DID tell me was...exactly what I had figured out myself! That it might be best to put Jordan in a pre-k...just to give him some structure. What a relief!

So that's where we are. Chris and I both think this is the best thing for our family. The only issue now is deciding where to send him. Georgia Pre-K isn't really an option for us. For one thing, since we've waited so long to enroll, all of the classrooms are full. For another, I just don't feel comfortable sending my child to the schools near our house. I've got a "gut-feeling" about one, and a not too good feeling about another.... Money is an issue. Things are tight right now. I would love to send Jordan to Shaun's old preschool. I spoke with the director today, and they have some openings. We can afford it on paper, but I'm afraid to cut things so closely. So I've called around to a few other churches in the area, trying to find a cheaper deal.

I'm strangely calm about all this. I'm just waiting for now. Waiting on God to tell us what's right for our family. Its frustrating. I've never been described as a patient person!

With all of that said...We made it! We made it through our first year, and I've learned a lot! I've learned that my children are pretty amazing. I've loved getting to know them again. I've learned that my children are individuals, and that what works for one doesn't necessarily have to work for the other. I've learned to ask for help. I've learned that I can do more things on my own than I thought. I've learned to come out of my shell. And I've made so many friends. I've learned that you don't have to know someone for a long time to become "kindred spirits" and "sister's in Christ". I've learned that mid-day conversations with my sister are sanity-savers!

I've learned that I really, really, really need to get on a schedule and stick to it. I've learned that I need to "Facebook" less. I've learned that I need to spend "break time" with the boys and do fun, non-school things instead of using their breaks for my "alone time" all of the time. I've learned that I need to get organized and clean up as I go. I've learned that getting up and starting my day without praying is setting myself up for disaster.

I've learned that one of the most rewarding experiences in the world comes from watching my son "get" something that I taught him!

We've learned a lot! No regrets.

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