"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, May 7, 2010


I was up until 2 a.m. this morning. I know. I vowed to never, ever do that again. And I did really well on my "sleeping promise" to myself, or whatever you'd like to call it. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I was in bed by 12:00. I wasn't asleep, by then, but I was resting. And I did manage to fall asleep before two o'clock. I think.

But last night. Chris- along with the boys and some snacks, pillows, and bedspreads- headed upstairs to have a "slumber party". They do this from time to time. We've discovered that "slumber parties" are a great way for them to spend time together and also a coy way to get them to sleep. It usually works. They were all out by 11:00 last night. I stayed downstairs with a movie of my own. "Amelia", if anyone's interested. Not a great choice, in my opinion. I found if boring and slow. And, as a friend of mine put it, "Amelia was a floozy"!

Anyway, I had been watching for about 20 minutes when my BFF called. Otherwise known as my sister. We usually talk multiple times throughout the day, and mostly every night. So of course I stopped the movie to talk to her. Then, after we'd said goodnight, I logged onto Facebook via my cellphone where I discovered that I had many important messages to answer. ;)

After that, I finally finished the movie. Didn't feel tired at all, even though it was around one o'clock. So I picked up my book and started reading. And I read until after two. Which resulted in me sleeping in really late this morning. Ugh. I'm wondering why I do this to myself. Is my "alone" time at night really worth it? Really? Considering the sluggish way I feel right now, I'm saying NO. Its definitely not worth it.

I'm considering taking some Benedryl tonight. And not just for my allergies, if you know what I mean!

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