"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The Smith family has a friend. His name is Ronnie. Here he is, posing for a picture with his friend, who just happens to be My Hubs.

Ronnie's the one on the left. :)

I've known Ronnie for about 12 years. Chris has known him for...forever, I think. They grew up together. We have all worked together in the past and now we go to church together. We both just love Ronnie. So do our children. And we feel SO blessed to have him in our lives. Especially on days like today. When we needed help moving some furniture!

We were on the way to pick up some new (to us!) furniture and other furnishings. I was in the backseat and feeling a little bored, so I tried to take Ronnie's picture. When I asked him to turn around and smile, he replied "Why, so you can blog about me?" To which I replied "Well, maybe!".

And so I am! Blogging about him, that is!

Here we are on the way to pick up an extremely heavy couch. I don't think Ronnie was in the mood to have his picture taken!

Here he is being so kind by helping us take down some blinds.

Here he is with Chris, moving an extremely heavy couch. Did anyone else notice that Chris and Ronnie like to dress alike?

And here is Ronnie saying "No couch should be this heavy"!

So now you know our friend Ronnie. And just for the record, we also hang out with him when we're NOT moving furniture or cleaning out the basement.

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