"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Weekend

This weekend was fabulous. Oh, how I wish I could find the cable thingy for my camera. I'd love to post some pictures. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to break down and buy one.

Saturday: Went to visit my sister and her family at their campsite. On the way there, we stopped for ice at this store that is "The Home of the White Bat". Now, I have driven by this store so many times on the way to the mountains and I've always wanted to stop in and see the famous White Bat. I got my wish. I walked into the store and found a little black box with an eye hole thing under a sign that read something like "Look here to see the white bat. Shhh...the white bat and her babies are sleeping!" Barely able to contain my excitement, I skipped over and had a look-see into that black box and saw....are you ready for this? A large white BASEBALL bat surrounded by five or six smaller (baby) white BASEBALL bats. Wow. Even though my sister had already warned me about this, I was beyond disappointed. And then I had a good laugh. We went on to the campsite and had a wonderful time.

Sunday: We had a relatively calm Sunday morning, which doesn't often happen for us. We have to be at church at 7:30 am. We're not morning people. The devil really loves to use these things against us on Sunday mornings. Shaun and Chris were out until 2 am the night before. Jordan played his "sleep-fighting" game until 1 am. We all still had to be up by 6, and we made it out the door by 7 without any bloodshed or tears. Amazing! I was able to rearrange my schedule to be able to hear Chris lead worship and speak at Kidpak. He did a great job, as usual. Afterwards, we went out to lunch with some friends. We had a great time of fellowship with some old friends and we got to know some newer friends better. Nothing better than that. All of the children sat at one end of the table and behaved themselves- for the most part.

After lunch we went home and assembled Jordan's new bike. We watched him fly around on it for a while before we had to go back to church to pick up some things. After THAT, the boys were starving again and since we had practically no groceries in the house, we went out to dinner together. On the way home, I stopped at Kroger and picked up some groceries while everyone else waited in the truck.

Came home, and Chris and I put the kids in the bed and attempted to watch "Roxanne". This is an old 80's movie starrring Steve Martin. It was recommended to us and was supossed to be super funny, but I was super disappointed in it. So was Chris. About half-way through, we went to bed ourselves.

So there you have it. Our weekend. Nothing special. Just normal. The way I like it.

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