"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, July 27, 2009

On peeing on the floor.

Jordan just peed on the floor AGAIN. While I was cooking lunch. I caught him midstream and asked him what he was doing. His response? "No, no, I don't need a spanking". He got one anyway. And now he's taking a long time out. I need to shampoo the rug in our living room. Its starting to smell like we have a puppy in the house. Will this season EVER pass?

1 comment:

akaMommy said...

"It's ok, Mommy. It's OK." and "Oh. Wait. Don't worry. I can fix that. Don't spank me, ok?" (-Zoe phrases when she's just done something SHE KNOWS she shouldn't have done)

Erin. The only thing I can say is this--- you WILL most definitely look back on Jordan's strong-willed, make you crazy things and absolutely PEE YOURSELF laughing. I'm still in the boat with Zoe, but literally, once I say it outloud to Joshua, I can't help but laugh. The thing that hurts me the most is my reaction, and my impatience, and frustration...... and ANGER. I wish I could laugh now, and not later. Let's pray for each other. Seriously.