"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What I like about him...

I ran into a friend today at church. She's my friend now, but we met at the pediatrician's office, where she worked as a nurse for the kids' doctor. The doctor who I absolutely love. Who takes such wonderful care of my children. Who listens to me and takes me seriously when something's going on with one of the kids. THAT doctor.

We started talking in the hallway today, and she mentioned how GREAT Shaun is looking these days. (And he so totally is!) I mentioned that Shaun is off all medications and has been healthy all summer. (Hooray!)

Anyway, all of that lead to THIS conversation:

Her: Dr O's nurse left again.
Me: Really, who?
Her: D
Me: Hmm, I don't think I know her. I haven't been in the office all summer.
Her: Yeah, she was new.
Me: Why can't he keep a nurse?
Her: Um, well, he's kind of difficult to work with.
Me: Really? Tell me what you mean.
Her: He's a great pediatrician. He's just very demanding. He wants everything done RIGHT
Me: (Laughing) That's the reason we love him!

And its true! We love our pediatrician. Not only is he super nice (to us!), but we "get" each other. He takes me seriously and never makes me feel like I'm over-reacting. He gets the job done. He'd rather find out what's causing a problem and rule out anything more serious that just wait around to see what happens. If he ever moves, we'll have to move with him, because I refuse to go on another doctor search. And he doesn't downplay the power of prayer. We've found the right one! He's the one for us! We'll be with him forever...unless he gets tired of us and our many "unique" issues and kicks us out. Surely that won't happen.

I have the same feelings toward our pharmacist. I'll blog about him tomorrow!

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