"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I thought I'd brag on Shaun a little bit tonight. He's so awesome. Every day I'm amazed at what he's accomplished.

He tested (and received!) his recommended Blue belt in Taekwondo today. I don't usually get emotional at those things, but today I did. Because of his learning disability, memorization is sometimes hard for him. I always get nervous during testing because he can have trouble remembering each step of the form he's working on (there's usually 30-40 steps in each form). He practiced hard and did great today. He got a little lost once but didn't panic...just worked it out in his head and finished with flying colors. He also kicked butt during the sparring portion...even though I had a brain fart and forgot his head gear at home. He was great.

Like I said, I usually don't get teary-eyed at the karate studio. But I've been dwelling on things lately. Meditating on our lives, the way things work out (or don't work out), always seeing God's hand in every situation. Today, watching Shaun receive his new belt with a proud smile stretched across his face, I couldn't help remembering where he came from. All that he's overcome. He always has to work at least twice as hard as every kid there, and he still did it. I love that he has such a determined spirit and that he will at least TRY to do almost anything, no matter how hard it may look to do single-handedly.

But aside from all that, I'm proud of his tender heart. That he shows such compassion for special needs children that have problems so much worse than his. That one year ago he came to me with tears in his eyes during a church service and whispered, "Get Dad, I need to get saved right now". I'm proud that he shares his testimony to anyone who will listen. And today, during a birthday party at church, when I couldn't find him, and then finally located him in the children's auditorium, standing on stage by himselft, when he said to me, "I hope I get to be a preacher when I grow up", I was so so proud. That he would have that desire at 9 years old just blows me away. My mom just reminded me that when he was born, an old family preacher friend stated this very fact when Shaun was so sick in the hospital. Wouldn't it be something if he turned out to be right?

Shaun- you're awesome. God's given you so many gifts. I know He's going to use you for great things. Stay strong, and always keep your eyes on Jesus. I love you to the moon and back. Mom.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Yes, Shaun certainly is awesome. A lt of times I get aggravated with him and lose sight of all that he has been through and all that he has overcome. Tell him I love him and and I love you too!