"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What We Did Today

Today was one of those days where we all kind of went our separate ways.  The Hubs went to work with his dad (thank you Lord!), I had an appointment, and the boys went to morning revival service with my mom and then to a pool party.  The pool party was last minute, they were invited by some members of my parents' church.  Since we didn't know about it beforehand, I didn't send their swimming trunks.  Jordan had a pair at my mom's house already but Shaun was out of luck.  I had locked the house when I left, so he couldn't get his own.  Mama Susie came to the rescue and bought him a new pair.  They all had a good time at the party.  Shaun was able to play with some of his old friends and of course it was nice to swim since it's been so hot lately.  

I had an ultrasound this morning.  My Granny went with me.  She was hoping to get another 3D shot of Violet's face, but it didn't work out.  It seems this baby is now breech.  I had a feeling something was up by her crazy movements last night.  All we could get a clear shot of was her back, so no cute face pictures to post.  We did find out that she has hair.  A lot of hair, apparently.  I'll believe it when I see it.  Both boys were bald babies.  :)  Everything was fine with the ultrasound today... something else to be thankful for.  

After my appointment I was able to come home and take a nap since the kids were still swimming.  I really do have the best mom ever.  They were pretty wiped out when they came home, so our afternoon was spent watching Netflix on the couch.  

Chris got home from work in time for me to make it to my friend Barbara's birthday dinner.  I almost didn't go because I was so tired, but I'm glad I did.  I love that I have church friends who always make me laugh.  Laughter is so good for my soul!  

I came back home and spent some time with my family before the boys went to bed.  Now the Hubs is playing Call of Duty and I'm about to try to go to sleep.  Lori and I are going to a homeschool expo tomorrow so I need lots of rest!

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