"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

7 Sweet Hours

I haven't been sleeping all that well for a while now.  Third trimester insomnia has kicked in, apparently.  I'm tired all day and then when it's bedtime I'm wide awake.  Maybe the fact that little Violet is a night owl has something to do with it.  She really "comes to life" after midnight.  I love feeling her move!  Then, when I finally do go to sleep, I'm just too uncomfortable to sleep for long.  My back hurts when I stay in the same position for too long, and my stomach's getting so big that it's hard to find a comfortable way to lay down, period.  Not too mention all of the nighttime bathroom breaks.  

Last night, however, I had a pleasant surprise.  It was around 2 a.m. when I fell asleep, but I slept through the night until 9 o'clock this morning!  I'm telling you, I felt like a new woman when I woke up!  

I thought all that sleep would refresh me so much that I wouldn't be tired any more until it was time to turn in for the night, but I was wrong.  I sat down to read a little bit while rest of the family played X Box, and I fell asleep reading.  I woke up an hour later and it was time for lunch.  

So weird, and so frustrating.  It's not that I just feel sleepy.  My whole body feels tired. I know.  It's normal and I'll just have to deal with it until September.  At least the Hubs is being nice about letting me rest.  He hasn't even told me not to get used to it. Ha!  

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