"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, October 9, 2011

random weekend ramblings

Friday night we stayed out way too late. Chris had to take care of some music stuff, so I took the kids to visit with some friends. Us moms were able to visit too. For six hours. Truly. We arrived at 6:30 and it was after midnight when we left. During our visit, I kept hearing a door slam downstairs where the kids were playing. Something told me it was Jordan, and it was. When I went down to check on him, he was standing in the playroom in his underwear. He looked at me and said, "I just want a suit, too". For the first time, I noticed that all of his little friends were playing dress-up. His friend Jensen was nice enough to loan Jordan his Super Man suit. As I helped him into it, we had a discussion about how it's alright to wear clothing under costumes.

As we were (finally) getting ready to leave, Shaun and his friends threw a surprise at us. A sleepover had been planned at Jon's house. Much to his mother's surprise. Thankfully, they live near us, so I was able to go home and get some stuff together for him before sending Chris to drop him off. He had a great time... except for when he woke up at 6:30 a.m. after only 3 hours of sleep and got kind of homesick. He called me and then went right back to sleep. And Jordan whined the whole night and the next day because he never gets to sleepover anywhere. Poor, deprived child.

On Saturday I watched half of season 4 of The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I can't get over that show... is that really the way teenagers live? And their parents- really? It's like watching a train wreck. But it's a guilty pleasure of mine. At least I cleaned and organized the school room while I watched, so some things got accomplished.

Later on that evening I picked up my sister at Mule Camp Market so that we could go to dinner. Our dear friend Kay, who we haven't seen in a long time was able to come with us, and that was a nice surprise. Rebecca and Morgan also joined us at Outback. That was nice, too! After dinner Kay drove us back to my car. I was lucky enough to have found a parking place at the library so that I could walk into the festival. During Mule Camp, the square in Gainesville is blocked off. My sister and I took off for Target and somehow I made a wrong turn into an ally and somehow, someway, I was suddenly driving my Jeep through Mule Camp Market. Thank goodness it was late and things were closed down. There were still people walking around, though. Boy were they surprised to see us. I'm a terrible driver, really I am. I came home to find that somehow Jordan had gotten onto the computer and pulled up our friend's Twitter profile. No, he's not a boy-genius. We're buying this computer from said friend and apparently he forgot to log out of Twitter before we brought the computer home. I could have had so much fun, but I was a good girl and just logged out. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do. :)

Sunday was church. Jordan was a little tired and took his bedspread into church, where he had breakfast in bed in the Kidpak office.

My friends and I were "superstaaaaars" as well as greeters and it was also Communion Sunday. Jordan had an impulsive moment and he blew a raspberry at one of his teachers. This resulted in a long talk about self-control, a punishment, an apology, and a mortified mother. After church was kids choir rehearsal, which went really well. Shaun is really starting to enjoy it. After choir was Shaun's small group. Jordan and I played on the playground with friends while this was going on. At 3:30 we left church, got lunch, and drove to the "other" church where the Hubs and the band lead worship once a month.

After we dropped Chris off the kids and I found a park. A very weird park, complete with strange people. There were baseball fields. My boys didn't have any baseball equipment, so they reenacted The Sandlot and got really dirty. By the time we made it back to church for service, Jordan was beyond tired. I took him out to the front porch, rocked him to sleep, and then brought him back inside. He slept though preaching, and through dinner. I wish I had a picture of him sleeping in his chair at El Maguey.

After dinner I had to go to the grocery store. I'm making dinner for my friend Shaunalynn, who is recovering from surgery, and I needed some ingredients. I'm little nervous. Everyone knows I'm not the best cook. Maybe the chili will be edible.

It's now midnight. I really need to finish re-reading New Moon. I'm reading the entire Twilight Saga again before the new movie comes out... next month! But I'm tired and my book is out in the car. I think I'll settle for another episode of The Secret Life. I think Ricky is about to propose to Amy. More train wreckage. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friday was SO much fun! The kids tore it up outside for sure! LOL! Screams of joy, excitement, happiness, slamming of doors, kids in and out, tons of food....sigh...it was beautiful. I think our kids have will have such great memories when they are adults...us too!

Hugs ~ Rebecca