"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I think I'm on to something.

I decided to buckle down today and really get serious about teaching Jordan his letters. I've been putting this off for several reasons. First of all, my hands are full with teaching Shaun. I know. I feel guilty just thinking it, let alone posting it here for all to see. Secondly, Jordan is just so active. Its really hard to get him to sit down and do anything for more than a few minutes. Thirdly, my sweet little Jordan is just not into anything academic. Seriously. He's not interested at all. He has retained everything he learned from preschool last year, which is a huge relief. He knows all his colors and he can count. At least I don't have to start over from scratch. I haven't been really worried about teaching him until now. He'll be four at the end of the month. We're looking into what to do with him next year, school-wise. I was leaning toward enrolling him in the GA Pre K program, but I just don't feel comfortable with that for several reasons that I'm not going to go into. Perhaps a private pre k class at his school from last year. Or maybe I'll just teach him from home. Its up in the air. We're praying about it. Hard.

But, regardless of what we decide, he needs to learn these flippin' letters! So today, I pulled him away from the Wii and we sat down at the dining room table. I had my flash cards ready. We were going to learn A E I and O today. I was determined. Okay, so he already knows A and O. So just E and I. He actually did okay. He was working hard. And then something completely unexpected happened. Shaun wandered into the room. (He had been taking a break from his math!) "Can I help teach him?", he asked. Warily, I agreed, thinking that this was NOT going to work out. But...it did! Shaun was so patient with his brother. And Jordan was so much more eager to work for Shaun. First they worked on their flash cards and then Shaun came up with the idea of writing the letters on his small dry-erase board and letting Jordan call them out. They did this for about 20 minutes, which is a HUGE amount of time for a three year old to work. They had such a good time. It was so good for both of them. And me, too! I was able to have a phone conversation with my sister while all this was going on :)

So...I think I'm on to something. I'm going to make this a daily activity. I just hope it lasts!

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