"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

At the office...

The doctor's office, that is! We took Jordan in today because he's ran a fever off and on for a few days and was acting a little lethargic. He has a sinus infection. No big deal. They tell us this after two rounds of labs. The second of which was ran because some of the numbers in the first, according to the doctor we saw:

"...just didn't look great. This number, here, is what I'm concerned about. It could be this low simply because he's sick, but sometimes....rarely....a number this low can be an indicator of some cancers. And we just need to make sure that he doesn't have that". Hmm. Yes. Making sure that Jordan didn't have cancer sounded pretty good to me. But he doesn't, thank God!

We saw a new doctor, who I liked a lot. She didn't even give me the "shame on you" lecture that some doctors in our practice have been known to do when she found out we didn't give our children the flu vaccine.

It was a long appointment. This is how we killed time for the two hours we were there: books, dinos, Ect-a-sketch, and the ear-looker thingy.

And then Jordan decided it would be prudent to weigh his Long Necked dinosaur:

I think this picture is hilarious!

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