"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Is it Monday again, already?  Here goes!

I do NOT have a nine year old!  There's no way Shaun can be that old when it seems like we only brought him home from the hospital yesterday.  I know, cliche cliche!

Jordan did not throw his Leap Frog computer out of the car window while we were stopped at a red light.  I also didn't leave it there in the road, go to our appointment, and then stop on the way home to see if it was still there.  It was, by the way.  

I work hard to prepare healthy meals for my family on a tight budget.  My wonderful husband understands how hard I work at this.  He also understands that the children need to eat FOOD rather than just snack on junk all day long, so NO WAY did my children not eat their delicious dinner one night this week because they ate an entire box of Cheez its just before I got home.

I did not have to tell my precious 2nd born son to "Please put your clothes back on" on numerous occasions this week, including out in public. 

My children have been through a ton of medical stuff.  I've seen it all and sat calmly through numerous tests and procedures.  I've watched them get shots, have ph probes involving long tubes being put up their nose, watched them endure having catheters inserted and seen them through several surgeries.  All while keeping my head.  So I did not, therefore, completely freak out and lose it at the sight of Shaun's hand after the infamous "monkey bars incident" last week.  My first born also had no reason to use the words "Mom, you're embarrassing me" during the doctor visit due to my hyperventilating upon the sight of his bent hand.  Especially since the hand wasn't even broken.  

And the sad thing is, this was actually a pretty boring week.

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