"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I finally gave in and decided to become a part of Not Me! Monday, courtesy of MckMama (www.mycharmingkids.net).  I had way too many Not Me! moments this past week to ever have time to list them all here, so here are a few of my favorites:

My three year old son is potty-training.  Since he's a boy and we live in the country, my husband and I allow him to do his business outside when we're playing in the yard.  We allow this, however, we are not back-woods rednecks and we definitely stressed the importance of not relieving yourself outside at public place, or in fact, ANYwhere except our own yard.  So no way did I witness, as I was substitute-teaching for my son's preschool class, my sweet, innocent baby doing NUMBER 2 on the playground grass.  No way.  Not me!

I am a stay-at-home mom and expect order, respect, and obedience from my children.  That's why there's no way that, in order to get some much-needed housework completed, I turned a blind eye to my 3 year old as he continually climbed on top of the living-room chair, screamed, and jumped to the floor... pretending to be Nacho Libre.  No way, NOT ME!  I would never allow that kind of ruckus in my home!

I expect my kids to sleep in their own beds.  So I would never, out of pure frustration, give in to my whining 8 year old and let him sleep in bed with my husband and myself, just to give myself some "me time".  Not me!

I realize that I am an adult and have a responsibility to get my children to school on time.  Therefore, I did NOT give in and let my kids sleep in last Friday until just enough time to get to the Valentines Day Party.  No way, not me!  

So, there you go.  I feel better with those things off my chest...even if the incidents listed above are only a small fraction of my imperfectness!

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Great not me! Mondays I thought your not me's was very amusing keep em coming