"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Graduation Day

Graduation Day was today!

Our co-op ended its 3rd year with a bang today.  The kindergartners and first graders graduated.  We also had one high school graduate.  Everyone else gave presentations of what they've been working on all  year.  

Jordan "graduated" with his class even though he's technically in first grade already.  The k's and 1's were together this year and he really wanted to wear that cap and gown!

When asked how he could make the world a more beautiful place, he replied- "I will make the world more beautiful by singing!"  Amen!  His teacher also asked all of the students to write about what they do before bed.  My little man's response?  "I never brush my teeth."  Sheesh.  That's not true, by the way!

The middle school Creative Writing class spent the year writing memoirs.  Shaun worked really hard on writing a paper about his Pawpaw who passed away in July.  At first, it was really hard for him to write down his memories.  He has such a tender heart.  We stuck with it, though, and he wrote a very touching piece about his Pawpaw.  He chose not to read it aloud at graduation, but we took it by Granny's and my parents house on the way home this afternoon.  

I was juggling Violet and my phone during Shaun's class's turn and she had started squirming, so this is the best picture I could manage.  

After the program we had refreshments outside on the playground.  It was a beautiful day and he kids played while us moms fellowshipped.  

Great day!

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