"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, March 4, 2013


The past few weekends have been a little crazy around here.  The Hubs has a new job at church(!) and and has been working there on Saturdays.  He is so excited and we're excited for him.  We've had so many changes around here lately, what's one more?  Ha!  

This Friday we decided to go to work with Dad because we've been missing him.  He's been working so hard and helping his mom out.  Things have been so busy that we haven't spent much time together, so we all woke up early on Friday and drove to Bethlehem to hear him sing and teach.  The last time we took Violet there, she was just about a month or so old and she slept the entire time.  This one was a little different.  She has found her voice and wants to MOVE all the time.  She sat quietly through the first chapel session but I took her for a walk around the hallways during the second session.  She was just being too loud.  

We went to Loco's for lunch.  We sat in a booth and Shaun pointed out that the last time we were there we had to sit at a table because my pregnant stomach wouldn't fit in a booth.  He was right!  We had a yummy lunch and then headed back to Gainesville to drop Chris off at church.  Shaun needed new jeans, so we went to the mall and spent 3 hours looking for one pair of jeans!  He couldn't make up his mind. I guess he really is a teenager.  :)

He was finally found a pair that satisfied him.  I needed a new pair of shoes but after that I was just too worn out so we went home. We spent some time visiting my parents Friday night and Shaun wound up spending the night.  

Saturday Chris had to work.  I had planned on spending the day at home and cleaning and getting some packing done but my parents wanted to see the new house.  We're moving in a few weeks.  What's one more change, right?  So I took them over for a tour.  My sister and her family came too.  We all went to lunch and then somehow wound up at the Pendergrass Flea Market.  I hadn't been in  years and it wasn't like I remembered.  I was a nervous wreck keeping track of Jordan.  There were SO many people there and we had SO many kids ourselves we could barely look at anything.  

After we were finished there my kids and I went shoe shopping for me.  I found a pair in less than an hour... Shaun should take notes. He likes to shop the way my mom does.  So different from me.  I'm in and out.  He's a browser.  I'm not.  I am however, a talker.  I usually spent more time talking to people we run into than actually shopping.  Such was the case on Saturday.  I saw our former pastor's wife in the shoe store.  Turns out she lives minutes away from where we're moving, which is nice to know.  

It was dinnertime when we left the all so we picked up some Wendy's and went home to get ready for bed.  I tried to clean a little and just gave up.  Shaun practiced piano and Jordan whined.  The kids went to bed early- even Violet.  I read awhile and folded some laundry and watched a Lifetime movie about a crazy killer wife.  

Sunday was church.  Mark Rutland preached.  I love him!  Violet was kind of fussy.  She's really started to fight sleep.  At home she goes right down for naps in her crib but when we're out it's a different story.  I had decided to keep her in her stroller and just watch the service in the overflow room, but it was all set up for a new member's luncheon.  I ran into a friend as I was wandering around aimlessly wondering where to go and we both sat down on a bench in the lobby to watch the service with our tired babies.  

After church we split up.  Chris and Shaun went to Nana's house and Jordan, Violet, and I went to a shower with my sister.  The plan was for me to meet the others back at home but I forgot to grab my keys.  So, we spent more time at my parents house after the shower waiting for Chris and Shaun to pick us up.  I think I was over there  more over this weekend than I've been in 3 weeks!

The boys picked us up and we went to Pizza Hut for dinner.  I picked up a few groceries and then we hurried home because Chris spent the night at his mom's.  The kids all went to bed early again and so did I.  We were all so tired!

That was our weekend.  There were so many cute photo opportunities, but my hands were too full to take them!  

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