"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Couch School"

Usually, when the boys and I are having school, we split up. Sometimes I teach them at the same time. I put some praise music music on for "background noise", Shaun sits at the kitchen table, Jordan settles in at the school desk in the living room, and I go back and forth between them.

Or, we school separately. I'll work on the beginning sounds of letters with Jordan while Shaun has Xbox time. Or vice versa. I hardly ever allow them to work together at the same table. It just doesn't work for us. Instead of completing their work, Shaun will be busy kicking Jordan under the table. Or Jordan will distract Shaun by standing up in his chair. Or someone burps (or worse!) on purpose to cause fits of giggles in the other brother. Or...well. You get the picture. A task that would normally take fifteen minutes multiplies into thirty minutes when my boys are distracting each other. And we don't have time like that to waste.

But today was a crazy kind of day. Rainy and cold. I didn't feel well. So, against my better judgement, we had school on the couch. "Couch School". Because "variety is the spice of life" and all that.

I sat in the middle with a son on each side. And it actually worked out pretty well. We were actually able to complete everything that we were supposed to complete today. How often does that happen? Not very often. At least, not very often at our house!

Shaun even finished up his current math book. We'll be having a Math Party when he finishes his big Unit Test. He's requested pizza, chips, and dip to help us celebrate.

Here's a (bad quality iPhone) photo of him right after he completed the last problem in his book.

And here they are together at "Couch School". Doesn't Jordan look absolutely thrilled?

Yes, "Couch School" was a success. I don't think its something that we'll do every day, but most definitely a treat every now and then.

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