"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Hubs went out of town, and I survived!

Chris abandoned us last weekend. Technically, he was asked to play bass at a youth conference in Savannah.

He sent me this picture of himself with Reggie Dabbs, who spoke at the event.

I was so proud of him for actually being
on stage with Reggie Dabbs that I wasn't jealous of this picture at all. Not one little bit.

Anyway, about two weeks ago I began to be a little nervous about being alone all weekend long. Flashbacks from several years ago when Chris traveled to California almost every weekend began to fill my mind. That was way back when I was letting the children eat anything and everything they wanted and they were a little unruly. And a lot hard to manage.

But we're at a different place now. And we actually had a very nice weekend together.

I had a doctors appointment on Friday, so my mom was kind enough to take both boys plus one of my nieces to Home School Day at a local skating rink. I managed to have lunch with Chris, run tons of errands, and get my hair cut before I picked them up on Friday afternoon.

We played, watched movies, visited the cousins, and I got groceries Friday night before bed time.

We all slept late Saturday morning. After we rolled out of bed, we straightened up the house, cleaned out the car, and the kids played outside while I cleaned up inside. After coming back in for XBox time, we met some friends at the park. I was able to (somewhat) have adult conversation with my friend Kelli and our four boys were able to run wild and unhindered around the park. By the time we left everyone was starving and I still had to go to Wal-Mart, so we stopped for dinner on the way. Even that went smoothly. They're growing up, these boys of mine!

We stopped at Granny's on the way home to visit with her and Pawpaw. We hadn't seen them in way too long! While we were there my nieces also came to visit
. My Granny and I sat together on the swing, talked, watched the kids play, and waited for Super Moon to appear. We were all very disappointed when the sky proved too cloudy and the moon wasn't even visible.

We went home then, and I let the boys ride their bike and scooter in the dark. This was a huge hit and earned me major Brownie Points with them. Next it was baths and then time for bed. Both kids went to sleep easily, and I watched my NetFlix movie that was delivered that day: "Big Love". Its my latest television show addiction. I find the whole concept of polygamy both fascinating and creepy. But that's another story.

I didn't sleep well Saturday night. Between the moon shining in my window (it had decided to finally make an appearance!) and my too-quiet room, I just couldn't settle down. It was after 3:00 when I finally drifted off... and my alarm is set for 6:00 on Sundays. Ouch. That wasn't pretty. I overslept and was late for church.

We finally made it in, and the kids were so excited to see their Daddy waiting on them. I was excited too! It was good to be together again.

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