"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Something Right

It occurred to me today that I must be doing Something Right. This realization came in the nick of time! Its been a long week. Stressful and chaotic. I haven't gotten much accomplished in the school or housework department. The children have been "unruly". I haven't been able to sleep. I've been tired and grouchy and the kids have definitely been taking the brunt of my moodiness...and they've retaliated! I guess the old saying that "If Mama aint happy, aint no one happy" is really true.

I've felt like giving up. Throwing the towel in with this whole parenting thing. In the words of a friend, I felt "unqualified". Unqualified at raising "good" kids. Kids who aren't selfish. Who put themselves last and not first. Who are patient, kind, and loving. Not that my children are bad. But its just that I want them to be different. Set apart. I want the world to see Jesus through them. I thought I was missing the mark.

Then today came. And I saw Something Right.

Shaun performed with his homeschool group today at an assisted living home. He did so great! I was so proud. After the performance, the children ran into the audience, to their parents. The way all kids do. Shaun didn't come to me. I sat and watched in amazement as he, totally unprompted, walked up to an elderly resident and hugged her. He talked with her quietly. Listened to what she had to say. He hugged her again, and then moved on to someone else. Same routine. Hugs, soft words, smiles. I had tears in my eyes as I watched him make his way around the room, interacting with these precious people. As he loved on them. Ministered to them. And I have never been more proud. He did all of this before I could tell him what an awesome performer he was. Before I could hug him and tell him how great he was. He put himself last. Something Right.

So, it turns out I haven't missed the mark after all. I'm doing Something Right! I'm not trying to brag on myself. I know that I haven't really done anything except show my kids Jesus. I still make mistakes, lots of them, every day. But I've also got Something Right. Jesus. And my heart is filled with gratitude to Him.

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