"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I've always tried so hard to NOT be...trendy. From middle school on, I barreled in the opposite direction of everything that was liked by everyone else. Music, clothes, books. I purposefully marched to the beat of my own drum. It wasn't all bad. I found some GREAT music that way. Music that most people still haven't heard of and probably never will. I know. I'm too cool for words, right? RIGHT? Anyway.

But. My quest to be "untrendy" also had downsides. As it turns out, I was cheating myself out of some really good things. One being music. Apparently there was a reason that tons and tons of people liked Dave Matthews Band. And Alanis Morrisette. And Jewel, No Doubt, and Pink Floyd. Its good! I know, I know. Duh.

Fast forward 10 years. I used to still play the "untrendy" game. This led me to not totally love bands such as Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, and Third Day. Its not that I didn't like them. I did like the songs I heard on the radio. I just never took the time to listen to the others. And then I got an early Christmas present. My lovely iPhone. And on my iPhone is an iPOD. My Hubs took the liberty of downloading lots and lots of music for me. Some new stuff by little-known artists, but some albums from the "big guys". Mainly : Third Day, Mercy Me, and Casting Crowns.

Casting Crowns. Oh. My. Goodness. How on earth did I ever live without this music? I cannot stop listening. It has ministered to me so much this month. So here's a warning: If you DON'T love Casting Crowns, or you don't WANT to end of loving Casting Crowns, then DON'T read my blog for the next few weeks. Because I'm gonna be blogging and blogging about...you guessed it. Casting Crowns. The songs. The messages. What they mean to me. How they've helped and challenged me.

And how I'm not going to try to be "untrendy" anymore!


Anonymous said...

you have a nice blog
God Bless You and Your Family

akaMommy said...

Are you kidding mE?!?! LOVE Casting Crowns. I will match you in your blogging agenda to pay homage to an incredible band- who just so happens to totally rock out some INCREDIBLE *Word*. Yay Erin. Ok- NOW! Go find Kari Jobe. You'll be in musical ministering heaven!!