"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Boring weekend recap

This weekend was pretty blah, as far as weekends go.  Got groceries and went to dinner with Chris and Jordan on Friday night.  I did get to sleep in  until 11:30 Saturday morning, which was fabulous.  Chris took the children with him to a music store and I stayed home, mopped, watched "Knocked Up" (again), and talked to Allison. We're getting together tomorrow night- Yay!
Went to "clean the building" with Lori and got finished in record time.  Came home and went to sleep in Shaun's bed because he and Chris were sprawled all over my bed watching Monster Squad.  

Went to church this morning.  My class had 34 children.  34!  To say it was crazy is putting in mildly.  Mrs. Heather and I survived, though.  Chris had band practice today.  I think the band's coming along well.  Finally!  Chris has been asked to lead worship at a church in Marietta at the end of August, so they're getting prepared.  While he practiced, I tool the boys swimming.  Actually, I took 1 boy swimming, as the little one wouldn't get near the water.  He stayed on the deck and pouted the whole time.  It was a little chilly, especially with the wind, so we didn't stay long.  Now Shaun has been asleep for 2 hours and Jordan's still playing in his room. 

So, as you can see, nothing really to report.  Now if only Jordan would go to sleep so I can, too!

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