"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, August 3, 2013

"When worms have ears" and other idioms.

"Saved by the Bell" is now on our Netflix queue.  I was probably a lot more excited about this than is considered normal for a 32 year old mama.  We've been having so much rain over the past few weeks, not to mention some creepy happenings involving crazies in our area.  This had lead to us being holed up inside more than usual.  

One day I decided that I could not watch one more episode of "Kickin' It" and I turned on "Saved by the Bell", telling the  boys that I had a great show for them to watch.  I just knew they'd love it.  And they did.  At first they tried to resist, but soon they were captivated and dissolved in laughter on the couch.  Much like my sister and myself when we were kids.  

One rainy afternoon we were watching an episode involving a school dance.  Of course, Screech asked Lisa to be his date and of course, Lisa said NO! Her exact words were, "I'll go to the dance with you... when worms have ears!"

My kids went nuts.  They laughed and laughed. And then we had a quick language lesson on idioms.  One great thing about homeschooling, or parenting in general is that you can make a lesson out of anything!

So we learned about idioms.  And the kids made up their own.  They started out silly and got worse and worse...

*When poop can talk.
*When monkeys have wings.
*When burps smell great.

And then they evolved to...well, I'm not sure what:

*When boys have boobs.
*When girls have wieners.  

Gotta love boys, I guess.  It was pretty funny and I know for sure they will always know the definition of an idiom.  

I'm afraid that it's backfired on me, though. Whenever I ask them to do something, they throw an idiom at me.  

"Hey Jordan.  Brush your teeth."

"I'll brush my teeth... when poop can talk!  Bwahahahaha!  Hey Shaun, I said 'When poop can talk.  That means NEVER!"


"Okay, Shaun.  Time do practice piano."

"I'll practice piano.  When guys have boobs."
He is very nonchalant but Jordan will usually dissolve into laughter and shriek, "You said when guys have boobs.  That means never!  Ha ha ha!"

I just shake my head and laugh too.  Laughter is good medicine. 

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