"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Monday, February 7, 2011

I've been wondering...

...exactly where my brain's been lately. Seriously- I've been so absentminded. Forgetful. I'm afraid I'm turning into a real airhead. Here's some evidence:

1. None of my aunts showed up at Jordan's birthday party. This weekend I received a phone call from one of these aunts, asking me when Jordan's party was. I told her that it had been two weeks ago and that I'd sent her an invitation. She paused. And then told me in no uncertain terms that the invitation that showed up at her house clearly stated that Jordan's party was to be held on Saturday, the 22nd of February...instead of the 22nd of January, which was the date of the actual party. And, just to top this all off, I totally just now typed in March instead of January. Ugh. I caught my mistake in time. Too bad I can't say the same for my mistake on the party invitations.

2. I called the receptionist of the office where Shaun has an appointment tomorrow. Left a message stating our names and that I just needed to verify the time of our appointment for tomorrow- Tuesday. Said receptionist called back and left a message for me stating that our appointment is at 10:00...on Wednesday.

3. Last week, I called our pediatrician to schedule Shaun's 11 year check up. When asked what day would be best for us, I replied that any day would be fine. After all, I reasoned in my head, we home school, so there's need to worry about scheduling conflicts during the day. I scheduled an appointment for a Thursday and went on with my day. As I was drifting off to sleep that night it occurred to me that I had scheduled an appointment on a Thursday. Co-op day for the kids. Childcare for the ladies Bible study for me. The only day of the week that's completely unavailable for appointments.

4. Today I made the boys a pasta salad for lunch. Pasta salad which is usually preferred eaten cold. I boiled the rice noodles and put them in the colander to drain. And then I proceeded to dump them into a mixing bowl with some mayonnaise. Without rinsing them with cold water first. By the time I realized what I had done, it was too late. There was nothing I could do about the hot noodles-and-mayonnaise mixture. So I improvised...though in some shredded cheese, onion powder, and told the boys it was a different kind of macaroni and cheese. And, if you're curious, they loved it!

5. Two weeks ago I overslept and was late to my Thursday morning job at church. Last Thursday, I set my alarm to go off 30 minutes early and gave myself plenty of time to arrive at church on time. I even had 15 extra minutes to sit around before I left the house, got the kids their breakfast, made a deposit at the bank and drove into the church parking lot at 9:40. I congratulated myself on being punctual as I coasted into my classroom right on time at 9:45...only to be reprimanded for being late again. Because I'm actually supposed to be at church at 9:30.


So I ask you, where's my brain? Is this what normally happens when one crosses the bridge into her 30's? I anticipated something like this. That's why I started taking a fish oil supplement awhile back. To improve my brain function.

How's that for irony?

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