"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I haven't really mentioned this to many people, but Shaun has been struggling with some issues lately. Some tough issues that Chris and I always kind of figured he'd have to deal with eventually, but, as the time came realized we had no earthly idea of how to help him though this season of his life.

What did we do about it, you ask? Well. We let the stress get to us. We argued. We cried. We tried the "out of sight, out of mind" approach, which, not surprisingly, didn't work. (Does it ever??) We tried to fix it on our own and then finally, only after all else had failed, did we surrender this little problem to our God. It felt nice. Really, really nice to not shoulder this burden on our own. Not that we ever really had to shoulder it on our own. But we're stubborn like that sometimes.

We're getting some counseling. Shaun and I met with a counselor for the first time last week. It was helpful to both of us. We'll all be going back. And, again, it was so nice to be able to unload all of our stuff to someone who is bound to silence by law.

Together, Chris and I have been praying about ways to encourage both of our children. We decided that it would be a good idea to claim biblical truths over their lives on a daily basis. On the way home from church last night we could tell that Shaun was just a little down in the dumps. Feeling sorry for himself. So my Hubs began to give him a little pep talk. The man really has a way with words. He began to (very animatedly) express to Shaun that he was wonderfully made in God's image and that God makes everything in our lives work out for His glory. He was really on a roll and my mouth was actually hanging open just a little bit as I listened.

Toward the end of our drive, Chris told Shaun that God loves him and saved him. And that Shaun should keep these little "nuggets" of truth with him all the time. There was a small pause of silence and then...

Shaun: "Giggle, giggle, snort. Nuggets!"

And then, despite my best efforts, a little giggle from me.

And a withering look in my direction from my husband.

As someone very, very wise once said, "Laughter is the best medicine". It really, really is.

Oh, and Chris was able to get his point across despite his little faux pas. He didn't even stay angry with me for laughing...for long! After all, almost-11-year-old-boys will be almost-11-year-old-boys!

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