"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have a child who loves to climb...

As I was organizing some of our pictures, I noticed that I had a TON of pictures of Jordan on top of things that he'd climbed. Yes, my youngest child is a climber. We noticed this about him very early on in his life. I remember walking into our den and finding him on top of our piano when he wasn't even a year old. He just likes to climb, and then he likes to stay on top of the things that he climbs. I asked him a few days ago to explain exactly why he feels as if he must climb on top of everything he sees. His reply? "I like to be up high. Because I'm a monkey." Who can argue with that?

Here are some photos I found of Jordan. You know...on top of things that he's climbed!

Here's Jordan on top of his dresser. He had been sent to his room for a time-out and this is how I found him. I think he was three years old here.

Two years old. At the park.

Trying to make it up the rock wall at the fair.

Totally oblivious to the signs reading "Please do NOT climb on the pumpkins!"

Monkey Bars for the self-entitled Monkey Man.

Buggies are made for perching.

Who needs stairs?

Jordan absolutely LOVES this ladder at church. I should clarify here that he's really not allowed to climb on this ladder. We do have some rules, after all! Every time he climbs up this ladder, he is rewarded with a punishment. After I snap a picture, of course...

And finally, it goes without saying that, given his love of climbing and being "up high", this is Jordan's favorite way to be carried by his Dad:

Yes. I have a child. And he loves to climb!

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