"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well.  I wanted to post a picture of Shaun and the Nativity scene he arranged tonight.  But Chris re-arranged our office yesterday and now I can't find the cables for the camera.  Maybe next time. Shaun tried several times before getting it just right.  In the end, he decided that all of the characters (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angel, animals, and Jesus) belonged in the little barn together.  Then he lined up the 3 wise men in front of the stable, one after the other.  Why?  Because that's what it looked like when we watched Nativity Story on Friday night.  Heh.  That's my boy!  He even took a picture of his work.  Man, I wish I could find that cable!

I'm about to turn in.  Chris is in CA tonight, so I'll have the bed to myself.  

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