"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, July 15, 2011

a day with my sister. and most of our kids.

Last Friday, my sister called me up and asked if I wanted to run errands with her. Since I am usually stuck at home during the day without a ride, I jumped at the chance. I needed to buy some things... shampoo, toilet paper, etc. Plus I love hanging with my sister. Even though all of the kids would be joining us (Shaun opted to spend the day with Granny), I was glad to go.

We started out at Auto Zone. Lori's van needed a new battery. I sat in the car with the kids until Lori came back out with the bad news. Turns out her van is super special and the battery is hard to get to. The Auto Zone guy warned her that it would take awhile for them to change it. He was right. It took several hours. No joke. I walked the kids next door to the pet store to kill time while we waited.

I was so impressed... just look at Jordan following the "one finger rule".

Yes. They're pretending to be cats on the floor of a pet shop. By this time, we didn't even care.

We also made friends with the store manager when we commented on the cool eclectic-ness of his music collection, which he had playing from his iPod. He was impressed that we knew who Blind Melon was. :)

We stayed in that pet shop for what seemed like forever until the children began to get hungry. So we walked next door to a Mexican restaurant. We'd been to this place a long time ago, but it had changed owners and was now like a Moe's... I think of it as a Mexican Subway. Anyway, we got two orders of nachos for us all to share. They were huge. And delicious.

After we ate, the van was ready. And we were more than ready to get out of there. We stopped at the library next.

Jordan with his new favorite book.... Z is for Zombies.

Target was next up. I ran into a kid from our old church's youth group in the parking lot. He's all grown up now. Having a baby and everything. It's always good to see him! Once we were inside the fighting over the buggies began. Somehow I would up with Jordan, Layna, and Jaycee. Jordan and his cousin Layna either really, really love each other or really, really don't love each other. This can change hour to hour. And apparently this was the hour they couldn't stand to be near each other. Considering, it could have been a lot worse, I guess. Or a lot better. Ha ha!

We were getting ready to check out when we ran into Chris' mom and sister, and her two sweet girls. Of course, Nana gave Jordan a treat... five dollars to spend! He struck it rich! He decided to spend it right there in the dollar aisle at Target.

The cute little red head on the left is Emma... Chris' sister's daughter.

Here I am holding Emma's new sister, Hailey.

Layna and Jordan with his findings from Nana. I guess these two liked each other at the moment. :)

We left Target and headed to Belk. There was a sale going on, and Lori needed a new shirt. No pictures from there, but our visit was quite eventful. Micah gagged himself and threw up in a dressing room. Jordan thought he was opening Lori's dressing room door, but it turned out to be a stranger in there instead. I think some more stuff happened, but I can't seem to remember what.

We got out of there as quickly as we could and headed to Oakwood to the Tractor Supply Store. This is my sister's new favorite store. I wasn't that impressed. The kids loved it, though.

Nothing says fun like climbing on bags of chicken feed.

They were sword fighting with horse riding crops.

After my sister had purchased her horse feed, I went to Wal-Mart. Twice. I went in by myself because Target didn't have my shampoo. When I got back out to the van, my niece wanted me to walk back in with her so she could spend her money. That girl always has money. I'm not sure where she gets it all, but she has more than I do a lot of times! We met an interesting character in the Littlest Pet Shop aisle... a woman about my age who collects Littlest Pet Shop figures. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. She was nice, though, and had a good conversation with my niece about how difficult it is to find certain animals. Since I am totally uneducated on Littlest Pet Shop, I wasn't included in the conversation.

By this time, it was after 7. The hubs had already been home, picked Shaun up from Granny's, and came back to church for band rehearsal. Lori drove Jordan and myself to church with plans of dropping us off so that she could go home, but the kids wanted to play on the play ground. We let them play for a few minutes and then they all had to go to the restroom. We went inside and relaxed in the air conditioning for a little bit.

Lori was really tired!

The kids played in the activity room for a few minutes, and the adults did too.

Then we all went out for pizza before we went back home.

What a day.

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