"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."

Proverbs 19:21

Friday, February 5, 2010


I was sooo looking forward to my trip to the grocery store today. Time by myself. Just me, my ipod, and Kroger. But it didn't happen. Chris was called back into work and I found myself in a panic. We had no food in the house. Zilch. Nada. Nothing to make for dinner. Nothing to snack on in place of dinner. NOTHING. I weighed my options: starve until tomorrow. Or take both kids with me to the grocery store. If it had just been me, I would have put it off until tomorrow. But it wasn't. I had 2 hungry boys on my hands. So I decided to go for it.

Jordan was in the bath tub when I made my decision. I walked into the bathroom and we had this conversation:

Me: Okay, Jordan. In just a minute we're going to the grocery store. If you're very good in there, you'll get a treat when we're finished. But you have to obey. You must stay sitting in the buggy the WHOLE time so that I can get finished. You MUST obey Mom. Do you understand what that means?

Jordan: Yes. I can't act like a maniac.

Me: Exactly!

I have no idea where he's heard the term "maniac" before.

Anyway, we all went to the grocery store. And everything went perfectly. Shaun walked beside me while watching a movie on his iPod. Jordan played Slingshot Cowboy on my phone. And I was able to get every last thing on my grocery list. Except for Almond milk. It was on sale, and they were fresh out.

Jordan stayed in his seat. Shaun didn't whine. And I didn't get the "look of pity" from a single stranger over my kids' behavior. Sweet success!

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